Winning Souls With Bible Storytelling

Winning Souls With Bible Storytelling

Did you know that over 75% of the world prefers to learn through oral storytelling methods? I’m Jenanna Cook, a member of our e3 Oral Strategy Team with e3 Partners Ministry. Over six years ago, I participated in an e3 Story Training for Trainers workshop where I...

Resource: Prayers For The Overwhelmed

Resource: Prayers For The Overwhelmed

If you are feeling anxious, worried, frustrated, or worn down, you’re not alone. Millions of people every day are dealing with emotional, mental, and physical problems caused by stress and anxiety. What causes us to feel so overwhelmed? Everything from politics to...

Dispelling Missionary Myths

Dispelling Missionary Myths

People tend to have many preconceived ideas about missionaries. When I think of the word “missionary,” I picture a married couple in their early 30’s with 2-3 children serving full-time in a remote part of the world. How about you—what exactly do you envision? In...

e3 Partners Responds to COVID-19 Crisis in India

e3 Partners Responds to COVID-19 Crisis in India

As readers may already be aware, the people of India are suffering tremendously right now due to a deadly resurgence of COVID-19. In April 2021, local hospitals began to overflow beyond capacity, while medical supplies—particularly oxygen—ran critically low. Due to...

Diane Harrington's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Diane Harrington

I am so thankful to have been with e3 Partners these past 18 years leading church planting teams to 15 countries around the world, the latest being India.  

Now God has laid on my heart the burden and passion to reach South Florida with the life-changing message of the Gospel with the e3 USA team.  I am teaching a neighborhood Bible study, work as a peer counselor with Care Net (a local crisis pregnancy center), lead a women's Bible study at the county prison and volunteer with the chaplaincy program at a nearby hospital. 

I pray that God will bless me with several more healthy and active years so that I can show and tell of the love of Jesus to the Treasure Coast.  Amazingly, it has the highest percentage of "never churched" in the USA. That's higher than New York City! 

I am very grateful for your partnership in missions! What a blessing and a privilege to have you on my support team! Your gift is an investment in eternity and will bear much fruit!

 "In this way you will lay up treasure for the coming age, so that you may take hold of the life that is truly life." -1 Tim 6:19

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