Kevin’s Journey – Part 2

Kevin’s Journey – Part 2

Every time our church pastor asked me to come on a mission trip, I found a reason to turn him down. Sometimes I couldn’t get off work. Sometimes I was just too busy with “other stuff”, but to his credit, he never stopped trying. For five straight years he asked me to...

Kevin’s Journey – Part 1

Kevin’s Journey – Part 1

I grew up loosely catholic. I guess I believed in God, but He was never very important to me. When I got married, I went to church on Sundays with my wife, but only to make her happy. I didn’t pay attention to the sermons or sing any of the worship songs. I just kind...

100 Branches

100 Branches

A few years ago, e3 Partners was introduced to the Garcia’s* and a friendship quickly formed. After hearing the story of the Gospel from the e3 team, their hearts were transformed and they felt compelled to share it with others. Throughout the course of the next few...

Aaron’s Return – A Story of Obedience

Aaron’s Return – A Story of Obedience

Two years ago, a man named Aaron* came to know Christ, but when others from his community found out about his newfound faith, he was banished from their village. He was alone, alienated from his friends and family, but his faith remained steadfast.

Then, a few months ago…

“I hated the church.” “I left the church, and I was done with it.” This is the story of how God used the faithfulness of an introvert and the simple question, “can I pray for you?” to change those statements to…”It was amazing! We went from never going to church, to getting baptized on August 16th, to getting married in the same church on December 22nd of that same year…

It Will Never be the Same

It Will Never be the Same

Their clothes were colorful and bright, but their eyes looked so dim. For some time, we visited with them and we shared stories about our families and cultures. Then, an opportunity opened up for me to share my testimony, so I did. When I finished, one of the men stood up and said…

Miguel’s Dream

Miguel’s Dream

Miguel* awoke from a dream early one morning at his home in Honduras. He couldn’t figure out what it meant, but he had experienced it so many times now, that he remembered it vividly. “It’s just a dream,” he kept telling himself, but in his heart, he knew it was more than that…

It’s Never Too Late – A Story From Africa

It’s Never Too Late – A Story From Africa

One day, on a recent trip to Africa, an e3 team had the opportunity to go to Kofi’s* home to share the Gospel. Kofi is a translator, who has worked with several e3 teams in the past. His mother in law was the only one at home when the team arrived, and Kofi explained that his brother, who was against Christianity, told the rest of his family not to come and hear what the team had to say…

Elissa Romines' e3 Partners Staff Support

United States

Organized by Elissa Romines

When we consider people being homeless, we easily understand their need for 1) shelter and 2) for programs and services to help them get out of homelessness. What we often don't consider is that homelessness includes the loss of a support system. 

Our work is focused on that third piece of the puzzle. We show up and want to support people for the long haul, no matter what that looks like. Sometimes it means working for two months to get someone into rehab because they slip through the cracks. Sometimes it means going to the doctor's office across the City with someone who is going blind.

In essence, we have a consistent presence in a small neighborhood in South Dallas, in hope that we will be invited to enter people's lives. Just like us, everyone's stories and needs are different. Sometimes the biggest need is physical; sometimes emotional; sometimes mental. Our end goal is that, as we work with different people who have different kinds of needs, we might all experience Jesus and his love in new ways.


Our Staff includes Elisabeth Jordan and Elissa Romines. Any donations given to this fundraising page further our work of supporting and caring for homeless men and women in South Dallas. 

Thank you for your support!

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