e3 USA

Our mission among the United States is simple: #NoPlaceLeft. Our desire is to see the good news of Jesus proclaimed to every person in the United States until there is literally no place left. We are striving toward this vision by equipping believers and churches to: 1) evangelize those who are far from God with the good news of Jesus; 2) establish new churches among those who believe the good news; 3) disciple new believers to become healthy, reproducing, transformative churches in their community. Now when we say “church” we don’t mean the box with a steeple. We simply mean a gathering of baptized believers devoted to obeying Jesus and living on mission together. We believe a church can meet here, there, or anywhere. Moreover, we believe it must. Over 50% of Americans are unchurched. And 53% percent of the unchurched population will not come to a church building if invited. Who is going to own this harvest field of nearly 156 million people far from God? It’s time believers are equipped and mobilized to bring Jesus and His church to all those far from God in the United States.

Doug Bender's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Doug Bender

Doug and Catherine invite you to partner with them in reaching the people of Colombia and the US.

They have served with e3 Partners for 15 years working to plant churches in rural Ethiopia, Nepal, Russia, and many other places. Today, Doug and his family serve in both the US and Colombia, South America.

In the US: Doug has designed and written the tools and training for a 130,000 small groups in America, written numerous books including I am Second: Real Stories. Changing Lives. (best seller: 2012), and Live Second, I Choose Peace, and I Found Love. He is the Long-Form Editor for iamsecond.com where he oversees the blog and creates many of the discipleship tools featured on the site. Doug and Catherine also are planting churches in the Pittsburgh area where they are implementing the same type of disciple multiplying principles they've seen God use around the world. 

In Colombia: Doug leads the team aiming to reach Colombia through as a 15 year veteran of e3 Partners Ministry. He began his work in Colombia in 2015 focising on the Coffee District area of the country. He is now leading the effort to reach the lost in every city, region, and people throughout the country. 

Beyond Evangelism 

e3 Partners work alongside local churches to equip God's saints to evangelize his world and establish new church and Bible studies. 
Equip- e3 Partners provides personalized training in how to share the gospel and start discipleship groups both at home and in Colombia
Evangelize- e3 Partners mobilizes people to share the gospel with culturally appropriate tools and methods.
Establish- e3 Partners builds networks of biblical, scalable, and globally-minded churches to reach the unreached. 

Short Term Mission Teams, Long Term Impact
Doug and Catherine work with local churches to provide the logistics, training, organization, and strategic planning to bring in American coworkers to plant new churches in Colombia. We provide Colombians and Americans with translated evangelism, discipleship, and small group tools needed to do the work of the ministry. Training is provided both for the Colombian side of the team and the American side on how to share the faith, make disciples, gather those disciples into new churches, and to care and oversee those churches long-term.

Making Missions Accessible to the Local Church
By donating you become a ministry partner enabling us to connect local churches here in the US with those in Colombia to plant new churches in unreached regions, cities, and villages. You become partners with us and those churches in expanding the Kingdom by providing funds for workers, tools, and training needed for starting new churches and Bible studies. 

Online Media Ministry
As the media arm of e3 Partners, I Am Second uses media of all types to introduce Jesus to people online. Doug's particular role on the team is to manage the blog, discipleship tools, and other long-form writing projects in order that more and more people can hear the good news of Jesus.

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Days to Go