
Support our efforts in a particular country that is close to your heart.  Your funds will go directly towards equipping believers, developing long-term partnerships, and spreading the Gospel in that region.  Select a country from the list below to get started.

e3 Romania


Romania is a beautiful country, and the people are generous and friendly. Romanians are a Latin people descended from Romans settled in Dacia. Their customs, traditions, and perspectives on life and family are often different from yours. Romania has a long and interesting history, and you could lose yourself for weeks exploring the historical villages, castles, palaces, and other sites— from Roman ruins to Dracula. Some of the most beautiful mountains in the world are found in Romania. Lush forests abound, and the soil of the farmland is among the most fertile in the world. You will love the villages with their primitive ways (compared to our standards). Horse and oxen drawn wagons and plows abound. The dress and community of the people take you back to the days when Americans had more character, values, knew their neighbors, and visited at the roadside in the evenings.

Oppression and Revival. Beginning in 1947, Romania became an independent communist state with a highly oppressive regime. The secret police were among the most ruthless and invasive in Eastern Europe. Under communist rule, the Church faced widespread persecution. Christians endured forced labor, torture, exile, and even death. In December 1989, a swift and bloody revolution swept through Romania following the government’s attempted ousting of pastor László Tőkés in Timișoara. Protests turned into riots that eventually led to the arrest and execution of President Nicolae Ceaușescu on Christmas Day. Since the fall of communism, a significant revival has swept through Romania. The pain endured by so many Christians has set the stage for an amazing new chapter in the Church’s history and you can be a part of it.

What We’re Doing. Our primary objective is to help the local church plant new mission points within walking distance of each community. On our expeditions, we will offer free medical care as a tool to accomplish this goal. Residents receive a free consultation from doctors, nurses, physical therapists, dentists etc. As they leave, we provide them with medications they could not otherwise afford. Others receive free eye exams and glasses. As we serve the people, it presents new opportunities for us to share the Gospel with them at the clinic. Or, in partnership with local pastors, we travel home-to-home, build relationships with others in the community, sharing the story of Jesus along the way. Those who receive Christ or request more information will be contacted by the local pastors, and new churches are established. In just one week, you can provide medical care, spread the Gospel, and establish new churches. Are you ready for the adventure to begin?

You can help us continue our mission in Romania with your tax-deductible financial contribution. Your support allows us to cultivate long-term relationships with local pastors, develop an ongoing church-planting movement in the region, and continue serving the physical needs of the people.

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Days to Go


As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.

Donations by Check

e3 Partners Fund
PO Box 1053
Searcy, AR  72145


As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.


2001 W Plano Parkway, Ste 2600
Plano, TX 75075


e3 Partners Ministry is highly rated by independent and impartial, third-party accreditation organizations which recognize our longstanding commitment to efficiency, accountability, and transparency. 

Earning 4 stars from Charity Navigator as we plant local churches
Certified transparent by Excellence in Giving as we plant local churches
ECFA accredited as we plant local churches