e3 Partners Ministry has a three-fold mission: we equip God’s people to evangelize His world by establishing healthy, multiplying, transformative churches everywhere. Our goal? To see a local church accessible to every person on Earth.
Sharing the Gospel isn’t just for missionaries
Discover how to share God’s story and your personal testimony with confidence when you attend one of e3 Partners’ evangelism training events.

Our digital media ministry known as I Am Second captures the attention of those far from God with raw, real-life stories of redemption through Jesus Christ—producing additional believers to train and mobilize.
Stories Around The World
e3 Partners deploys missionaries and church planters to six major regions around the world in order to proclaim a singular message: Jesus is Lord. These short stories on our blog highlight the incredible work that God is doing around the globe.
Crossing Ethnic Lines for the Gospel
Six unreached people groups now have local churches thanks to believers stepping out in faith.
Salvation in an Uber
A woman in the Middle East was considering prostitution until she encountered a believing Uber driver who shared the Gospel with her.
“This is my sign!”
A young man accepted Christ and was baptized after e3 missionaries shared the Gospel with him in Florida.
Crossing Ethnic Lines for the Gospel
Six unreached people groups now have local churches thanks to believers stepping out in faith.
Salvation in an Uber
A woman in the Middle East was considering prostitution until she encountered a believing Uber driver who shared the Gospel with her.
“This is my sign!”
A young man accepted Christ and was baptized after e3 missionaries shared the Gospel with him in Florida.
50 New Believers Learning to Make Disciples
A group of 50 new believers in South Asia is being trained how to share the Gospel and plant churches.
As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.
2001 W Plano Parkway, Ste 2600
Plano, TX 75075
As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.
2001 W Plano Parkway, Ste 2600
Plano, TX 75075
e3 Partners Ministry is highly rated by independent and impartial, third-party accreditation organizations which recognize our longstanding commitment to efficiency, accountability, and transparency.