Gospel training isn’t just for missionaries.


Through videos, written materials, and in-person training opportunities, e3 Partners provides ways for all believers to learn how to share the Gospel, disciple others, and plant churches. Develop confidence in boldness to spread the love of Christ both in your own town and all over the world.

I want to share God’s love with others but not sure where to start.

I need help discipling others to follow Jesus!

Videos and materials for multiplying healthy disciples and churches.

What Our Partners Say

“e3’s Four Fields training has given us the Biblical strategy and tools to engage the world with the Gospel, make disciples, plant churches and mobilize missionaries to the ends of the earth.”

Mobilization Minister, USA

“Thank you e3 Partners for being a part of our ministry. The 4 Fields training you have provided has given us a clear vision, goal and strategy for effective church planting.”

National Partner,
Southeast Asia

Learn to share the Gospel with anyone, anywhere.

Franny Lowry Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Franny Lowry

There are 145 million Russians.  Sadly, only   .7% are evangelical Christians.  Not even 1%!  This can be discouraging if we look at the “glass as half empty”.  Thankfully the leadership here in the states as well as our Russian nationals are looking at this with encouraged hearts.  They know that God is going before them, opening doors that would normally be closed, and preparing the way for the truth of Christ to go out. There’s a great need for people to go with us to share the truth of Christ to the Russian people.  Out of 180 people groups, 76 of them are unreached.  Our plan is to reach these groups as quickly yet effectively as we can. But to be able to do this, people have to go….or be an active part in sending. 

As we've been strategizing with our nationals who live in Russia and as the doors are starting to close, there’s an urgency to reach them with the love and hope that only Jesus can give.  The recent legislation that was passed is making is difficult to share the gospel but NOT IMPOSSIBLE. They need our help now more than ever. As Jesus commands us in Matthew 28:19, we must go and make disciples to all the nations.  This is where God has placed my heart and I believe until the whole world hears we must be active in spreading His gospel.  Come join with me in reaching them with the truth and hope that only Jesus Christ can bring them.  I would be honored to have you partner with me in this calling.

I believe I have been called to be a full time missionary to Russia with e3 Partners Ministry.  As a full time missionary, I'm gone, 3-4 times a year, for 2 plus weeks at a time.  I will be putting in hours upon hours to spread the opportunity to others to go on trips as well as helping others train, prepare and fundraise for their trips.  I will be learning how to lead these teams of missionaries onto the mission field and successfully allow God to work through them to reach those who don't know the truth of Jesus Christ.

This position is support based which means, I need monthly support to be able to accomplish all that God has called me to do.  This is my full time job and I need your help and support to do this. When you partner with me financially and in prayer, you are giving to the kingdom, to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Any amount you can commit to monthly would be a blessing.  No amount is too small (or too big).  It would be a blessing and honor to have you partner with me to advance the Kingdom of God and to see His glory spread over the earth.

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Days to Go