Russia is the world’s largest country, extending across nine time zones. The people are ethnically diverse, speaking roughly 100 indigenous languages. Gas, oil, timber, and agriculture are the mainstays.

Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, a new Christian infrastructure has been developing. Evangelical Christians are establishing new ministries in the region and ambitious church-planting movements are taking root. Still, half of Russia’s people groups remain unreached, impacting over 13 million lives.

e3 Partners is working to ensure that a thriving local church exists in every community throughout Russia. We are equipping existing believers and training local pastors to identify unreached communities and share the Gospel effectively. As people come to faith in Christ, we are establishing small groups that help them take the next steps in their spiritual growth and serve as the seeds for new churches.

Jeff Sundell's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Jeff Sundell

No Place Left
: 50-5-50
- 50 cities in 5 years to raise up 50, 4th Generation T4T trainers in each city. God continues to clarify His vision for our family in the States.  Our nation is changing, and in the next 10 years, 187 cities will be majority-minority.  What does majority-minority mean?  In these major and mid-sized cities, populations will consist mainly of Asian immigrants, African immigrants, Middle Easterners, and those from the Latino world.  What a change in a generation!  God has brought Acts 1:8 to our doorstep.  No longer are the ends of the earth thousands of miles away; they may be our nextdoor neighbor.  So, God has given us a vision to train people with some simple Gospeling and discipling tools that, if mixed with some loud loving, will have a huge impact on our nation.  Pray for 50-5-50!  Pray Luke 10:2, as well; we need more laborers.                   
I invite you to partner with me in engaging the lost with the Gospel of Christ and discipling them to become reproducing disciplers following the Great Commission. 

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