University Partnerships

University Partnerships


Our University Partnership Program has continued to grow since its beginning in 2008! Our vision is for every student to make missions a lifestyle.

College students bring a combination of energy, curiosity, excitement, and passion to the ministry! College students also love to be actively engaged with people from all cultures throughout the world.

Every trip volunteer has an opportunity to be trained and actively involved in each component of the mission. These are just a few ways to be engaged:

  • Building relationships with U.S. & national team members as we share God’s love
  • Sports ministry
  • Adult and children’s ministries
  • Medical, eye, and dental clinics
  • Community health education

There is a place for everyone who desires to share God’s love in word and deed! The videos give a glimpse of how our University Partnership has impacted the lives of those going and those we serve.

We would love to have you join us! Contact us at








Doug Beck's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Douglas Beck

When I said John 14:6 in her language she exclaimed, "those words are not of this world."I explained to her that they were indeed not of this world and had come from God Himself.  "You mean God spoke those words?" was her quiet response as she leaned closer to my ear as if I couldn't hear her.  When I replied yes, she began to weep and said through tears, "I didn't know God spoke my language."  That is reality for close to 200 million of the lost in Central Asia.  God has given us the privilege to take the Gospel to them that they too may become worshipper of the Living God!  God is moving among Muslims in the world.  Many of them are realizing for the first time how empty Islam is and are searching for Truth.  Will you consider joining us?  We don't "seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit" (Philippians 4:17 ESV)

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Days to Go