University Partnerships

University Partnerships


Our University Partnership Program has continued to grow since its beginning in 2008! Our vision is for every student to make missions a lifestyle.

College students bring a combination of energy, curiosity, excitement, and passion to the ministry! College students also love to be actively engaged with people from all cultures throughout the world.

Every trip volunteer has an opportunity to be trained and actively involved in each component of the mission. These are just a few ways to be engaged:

  • Building relationships with U.S. & national team members as we share God’s love
  • Sports ministry
  • Adult and children’s ministries
  • Medical, eye, and dental clinics
  • Community health education

There is a place for everyone who desires to share God’s love in word and deed! The videos give a glimpse of how our University Partnership has impacted the lives of those going and those we serve.

We would love to have you join us! Contact us at








Robert Dutton's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by e3 Partners

Right now, we are focused on Honduras in combination with Dr. Wes Kennemore and Sam Neugent. This coming May 27 will be our fourth year working with the medical team in Honduras. Dr. Wes always has a team of about 30 including non-medical evangelism teams. We have worked with them in Peru, Paraguay and now in Honduras. 

This last summer we saw over 1600 patients in the clinic, including the approximately 400 that received reading glasses from Diane and her team. Robert was leading the on site evangelism team.  we shared the gospel with more than 1000 patients with hundreds making professions of faith in our Lord. When the lovely Diane returned to Michigan Sam, Craig and I stayed for a week of door to door sharing the gospel in the Chiquita banana plantation close to Progresso. During that mission we distributed freshwater systems to those willing to start groups in their homes. Hundreds heard the gospel, and many made professions of faith. 

We have been working together for years now. Sharing the gospel, planting churches and meeting the physical needs of people living in the jungles, mountains, towns, cities and now banana plantations of South America. Thank you for being our partners in this work.

Some go, some support, some pray, and we all share in the work of the gospel.
hank you for visiting our support page...

We thank our God for friends and family like you who provide the financial support Diane and I must have to carry on our mission work with e3 Parnters Ministry in Peru.  God always provides for us using people like you.  

By financially supporting us, you are becoming a member of a missionary team. Those who send are just as important as those who go! 

Please pray about being a member of our team.  Your gift will be used to help us pay our typical expenses and to help us continue this work.

All gifts are fully tax deductible as you are giving through e3 Partners for us.

In addition to giving, would you please be praying for us and even consider spending 2% of your time this year by GOING with us to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ?

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Robert and Diane Dutton

There are no updates at this time.

Days to Go