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Click here to see our our latest Audited Financial Statements.

e3 Revenue 2019
e3 Expenses 2019
Charity Navigator - 4 Star Charity
e3 Impact Report



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Claudia Adame's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Claudia Adame

"Lord, please help me share the gospel with others in the best way that I can." 

That was my daily prayer for over a year after becoming a believer.  I knew it was important to share the story of Christ but I felt inadequate to do so.  I simply asked God to help me.  His answer blessed me immeasurably more than I could have imagined

He immediately led me to join a mission team to Honduras where I learned how to share the gospel by translating for someone who did so and then by sharing directly.  Years later I don't only get to share the story of Christ through my ministry at e3 Partners, but I am also able to teach and enable others to share the gospel.  It doesn't stop there.  God uses this to start new churches that start new churches, and so it goes on, reaching people all over the world who are discipled by local believers through simple church planting.

Only God can take a simple prayer and convert it to world impact.  By His grace, I serve as the EVP of Hispanic Global Mobilization for e3 Partners, which enables the ministry to steward God's people by helping them find their place in God's unfolding story and maximize their impact.  My direct field ministry includes serving Hispanic churches and ministries in the US to help equip and mobilize Hispanic missionaries through e3 Partners to the US and to the Middle East.  I also have the privilege to lead a Texas Border Strategy that serves as a case study for church planting among people on the move.  Truly, Philippians 4:13 is evident in how God is at work!   "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." (NIV)

Would you consider joining this ministry team by praying, going, and/or giving? 

Below is a short video that explains the specifics of our ministry in a fun way. Enjoy!

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