Two e3 missionaries, Bill* and Amber*, recently led a team from the U.S. on a weeklong mission trip to South Asia. During the trip, the team helped train local pastors and their congregations how to share the Gospel, make disciples, and plant churches in their communities. They also went out into the villages with the local believers to share the Gospel alongside them.

Because of their efforts, Bill, Amber, their team, and the locals they partnered with shared the Gospel with 583 people during the trip, and 309 of them confessed Jesus as their Savior. They helped train 496 believers how to share the Gospel, and 69 new discipleship groups were started.

Several amazing stories emerged from the trip, including a handful of healings. Some of the most encouraging tales came from the local pastors Bill and Amber partnered with.

“One pastor commented on how many Hindus heard the Gospel in just one day and was astounded!” Bill said. “Then one day, as our team was entering a village, the pastor there told us he had previously been beaten and carried out of the village because of his faith, but he returned that day to share the Gospel again! Another pastor shared that he is illiterate, but God has given him the ability to read the Bible – it’s amazing!”

At the end of the trip, the team held a celebration to praise God for how He had moved in the last seven days.

“We have seen the Lord do amazing things this week, and we know it is only the beginning!” Amber said. “At our celebration, many of the pastors testified to the process and how simple it is and that it works. They were amazed at how many people put their faith in Christ, and they can see how the Lord is going to multiply the believers in these villages. God has done a mighty work in this place this week!”


*Names and images have been changed to ensure safety and anonymity.