James*, one of e3’s Strategy Coordinators in South Asia, has been coaching a local man named Stan*. A friend of Stan’s in a city nearby had heard about how God was moving in Stan’s ministry and asked what he was doing.

“This gave Stan a great opportunity to share about how we are trying to change the traditions of the pastors doing all the ministry work and the believers just needing to come to church on Sundays,” James said. “He shared with his friend that we are challenging believers every day to take up the role of sharing the Gospel with their neighbors.

He also said the believer who shared should challenge the new believer to start a church in their home where they can invite their neighbors as well.

Stan also told him that he encourages a believer who leads someone to Christ to be the one to meet with the new believer and disciple them into a deeper relationship with Christ.

After hearing this, Stan’s friend asked him to come to his church to teach his congregation these tools. Shortly after, Stan held a training there.

“He said it was the most encouraging training he has ever done,” James said. “They desired to practice all the tools extensively after he presented them, and even after lunch he expected them to call it a day and go home, but they begged him to keep teaching more tools and more practice! We are excited to see how God will use this church to further His Kingdom!”


*Names and images have been changed to ensure safety and anonymity.