The brand new I Am Second Español website launched on Tuesday, July 30! To commemorate the launch, we invited our entire staff in the Dallas area and our Hispanic church partners to celebrate with authentic Hispanic cuisine and music, plus an inspiring word from our executive vice president of Hispanic Global Mobilization, Claudia Adame.

“We believe I Am Second Español is going to help minister to Hispanic people, help them understand they can belong to a movement that the Lord is leading, and help them understand that our identity as ambassadors is to take what we know and share that with others,” Claudia said. “It’s an inspiration to be more of who Christ called us to be and to share that opportunity with others.”

The site features I Am Second content all in Spanish, including nine all-Spanish White Chair Films and Spanish subtitles on films in English. Our e3 Partners Español team, which is the Hispanic expression of the vision, mission, and strategy of e3 Partners, will be able to use this new website as a tool when reaching out to and training Hispanic churches in Gospel conversations and church planting.

Please share the new website with your Spanish-speaking friends, family, and colleagues. We can’t wait to see how God will use I Am Second Español to reach and equip Hispanics for His Kingdom!