Two of e3’s Strategy Coordinators in South Asia, Eric* and Jessica*, have been amazed at the ways God has moved among the people there. His work in one particular village, they said, reminded them that “our God is all-powerful. He can change hearts, heal the sick, and move mountains.”

In one South Asian village where Eric, Jessica, and their local leaders tried to enter to share the Gospel, they encountered a Hindu man who was hostile to believers coming into his village.

“He often resorted to physical violence against those coming to preach and made it impossible for anyone to share with those in his village,” Eric said.

The Hindu man, Abinesh*, started to become very sick, and shortly after he was diagnosed with oral cancer. The doctors told him it was too far gone to treat.

“With the superstitious nature of their religion, those in his village suggested that his sickness was the result of his persecution of Christians,” Jessica said. “They suggested that he seek prayer at a nearby church!”

Abinesh reluctantly agreed to go and attended a house church Eric and Jessica had helped plant nearby. The members of the house church welcomed him, prayed for healing, and shared the Gospel with him. Abinesh accepted Christ as his Savior and brought the Good News back to his family.

“Within a short time, all cancer in his body vanished, and he was restored to health,” Eric said. “He experienced physical and spiritual healing, and now his family all worships alongside those he once persecuted!”


*Names and images have been changed to ensure safety and anonymity.