Two years ago, a man named Aaron* came to know Christ, but when others from his community found out about his newfound faith, he was banished from their village. He was alone, alienated from his friends and family, but his faith remained steadfast.

Then, a few months ago, Aaron came to a 4 Fields training in a nearby city, and it was there that he met Ramos*. He told Ramos his story, how he’d been kicked out of his village, leaving behind his friends and family. He explained how much he was hurting and how hard the last few years had been for him. Ramos listened intently, and encouraged Aaron, reading the Beatitudes with him, and telling him that God was always by his side.

Ramos and others then trained Aaron on the 4 Fields strategy, and Aaron immediately put it into practice. He began going to communities in the surrounding cities, sharing the Gospel, and helping new believers plant churches. He continued staying in touch with Ramos as well, sharing exciting updates with him about the ways God was moving in these communities.

Ramos could see how God was using Aaron in powerful ways, and he noticed Aaron’s growing confidence in the power of the Gospel. So one day, when Aaron called him to tell him about a new family of believers he’d been discipling, Ramos encouraged him to go back to his home community to share the Gospel with them.

Aaron was scared, but trusted in the power of the Lord, so he went. He hadn’t been home in two years, but as soon as he arrived, God led him to persons of peace. Aaron shared the Gospel with them, and while they didn’t believe it immediately, they were intrigued and wanted to learn more, so Aaron returned a few days later, and even more people came to hear his message.

He continued returning every few days, sharing the Gospel with more people each time. He knew God was moving in their hearts, and this motivated him to continue the work.

Today, Aaron has shared the Gospel with over 130 people within his home community. Many of them have accepted Christ into their lives and been baptized, and two churches have been planted.

God is moving in the hearts of Aaron’s home community, he’s been welcomed back in with open arms, and he now works daily to raise up more disciples and multiply churches.

