Chase* and Amelia*, two of e3’s Strategy Coordinators in South Asia, have a local partner they’ve trained named Matthew*. He recently led a trip to Southeast Asia to train other believers how to multiply leaders.

Matthew brought a few leaders from the area with him, and one of the emerging leaders in this area, Samuel*, was able to baptize someone for the first time. Traditionally, people in this area believe only a pastor has the authority to baptize.

“He is a young guy, but the leaders from his home church are encouraging him to obey the Bible and not tradition,” Matthew said. “This is a huge win for this network!”

The woman Samuel baptized, Sadia*, is from a Muslim background. She lives in an area that is mostly Buddhist and very anti-Christian. Sadia said she had never left her village area in her life.

“For several months, she didn’t know if any other Muslim-background believers existed in the world!” Matthew said. “When she met us, she began crying and thanking God. It was a really powerful moment. She said she was ready to get baptized right then and there.”

So Matthew and the other leaders crafted a tarp contraption (see photo) and filled it with water to baptize Sadia.

She is now a baptized follower of Christ serving as a light to her village!


*Names have been changed to ensure safety and anonymity.