The God we serve is faithful. When we trust in His Almighty power, we get a front row seat to the good He can do through people like you and me. I witnessed this recently on an e3 trip to Peru.

There were many people on our trip who welcomed us into their homes, but there was one woman, in particular, who went out of her way to make us feel warm and welcomed. Her name was Alicia*. She was noticeably hospitable, despite some physical ailments that were clearly causing her some distress.

As we spoke and prayed over her, it became clear that the Holy Spirit was moving. We began to anoint her with oil, and as we did, I could see an extraordinary glow come over her.

“I feel a warmth in my belly,” she told us, and in that moment, I knew something beautiful was happening.

Though she was already a believer, we reminded her of God’s love for her through His son, Jesus Christ, and then asked her to think of people in her life who needed to hear that same message. We encouraged her to go share the Good News with them, and helped her practice how to do so.

There was an eagerness in her that was evident. After practicing sharing the gospel a few times, she immediately got up and took us to some of her family to share it with them. From house to house, from family to family, we went, sharing the gospel and what it looks like to obey and follow Jesus.

By the end of the week, people from every corner of the city were gathering together, as a united church. That Sunday morning, Alicia stood and shared her story. With glowing confidence, she spoke about God’s faithfulness in healing her of her physical ailments, and the impact it had on her family.

It was incredible to listen to her testimony. God used us to reach Alicia with His hope and love, and then used her to reach countless others.

What a mighty God we serve!

*A pseudonym