Mike, e3’s Director of Global Migration Initiatives, recently returned from a trip to Poland for an upper-level church-planting training. It was an invitation-only event for people who already have planted a church and want to multiply disciples and churches.

Beata* was not invited to the training at first. So when she arrived, she shared the story of how she ended up there with Mike.

“As I heard her testimony, I thanked God for answering our prayers for the right people to attend the training,” Mike said.

Beata is a Polish believer who had felt called to start a house church in her home but didn’t know where to start. One day, although she doesn’t usually watch TV, she felt compelled to turn it on. While she watched for a few minutes, she saw a man named Antoni*.

“I sensed God said I should meet him,” Beata said. “But how do you meet someone you see on TV?”

While Beata had not been invited to the training, she was invited to a party.

“I was invited to a birthday party for Nicholas*, but I didn’t even know him,” Beata said. “Usually I don’t go to events like that, especially when I don’t know the person. But I decided to go. I went to the birthday party and I not only met Nicholas, but Antoni from the TV was at the party! God introduced us!”

The three of them got to talking, and Nicholas and Antoni told Beata about the upcoming training. But there was one problem: The training was on the day of Beata’s niece’s 18th birthday party, and she didn’t want to miss it. She had already committed to attending.

“I decided I would only come to the training if the birthday party was moved,” Beata said. “I called my brother about the party, and before I could even ask, he told me they had moved the party to another day!”

So Beata was able to attend the training along with nearly 40 other leaders from all over Poland.

“Your team is a prophetic sign for Poland of what God will do,” Beata told Mike. “A while back, I gave up my job to do ministry. I asked the Lord what I should do, and He said, ‘Open up your home.’ But I did not know exactly what to do. I had hit a wall. Now I know what to do. Now I’m going to go home and implement what I have learned.”

Beata has already started a house church and is inviting her friends and family.

“This training was our most strategic yet in Poland,” Mike said. “Thirty-nine leaders from all over Poland, including Nicholas, Antoni, and their new friend Beata. All have started simple churches. Some have already seen multiplication. All wanted to see more.”

We are so thankful to God for fitting together all the puzzle pieces that brought Beata to Mike’s training. We can’t wait to see how her house church will thrive, multiply, and bring Christ to more people in Poland!


*Names and images have been changed to ensure safety and anonymity.