Tim* and Danielle* are two of e3’s Strategy Coordinators based in southern Florida who shared a story about a man they encountered named Lenny*.

Lenny sells solar panels door to door. One day, he knocked on a person’s door, and the people inside were having a Bible study. Instead of turning him away, they invited Lenny inside, and he sat in on the Bible study for almost two hours!

“He loved it so much that he returned the next few weeks,” Tim said. “He ended up giving his life to the Lord a few weeks later as he felt the Lord knocking on the door to his own heart.”

The group invited Lenny to their larger church, but he didn’t enjoy it as much as the Bible study that they were having in their home. He stopped attending after some time, and he unfortunately began to flounder in his young faith for a few months. 

“Then he was invited to come to our house church, and his love for God was ignited!” Tim said. “He decided it was time to take the next step in his faith, and he got baptized after one of our church gatherings. Lenny is now part of an active 2nd-generation simple church that meets weekly. Pray that his love for Jesus continues to grow all the more this year!”


*Names and images have been changed to ensure safety and anonymity.