Sometimes it’s easy to forget how God can use a single event to change countless lives.

Last November, e3 Strategy Coordinators Timothy* and Shelley* trained a group of indigenous missionaries in Central Africa to share the Gospel and plant churches. One of those missionaries, a man named Moussa*, caught the vision and ran with it. 

“Moussa was faithful to apply the training and started having success,” Timothy said. “Moussa began leading an effort involving eight trained missionaries working in various strategic places in the region, several of which were unreached people groups.”

Timothy and Shelley recently received an exciting report from Moussa, which was surprising considering the time of year.

“It is the rainy season in Central Africa during June and July,” Timothy said. “Since almost all roads are dirt, they become impassable as mud causes people to stay put. So I don’t expect a lot of news from the field during those months. But Moussa’s report for July contained some very good news: Four new churches were planted with 18 new disciples!”

One of the church plants is in a previously unreached village. They just added 13 new disciples to their number and grouped them into three new churches, Timothy said. Their leader, Idriss*, has assigned three new leaders for each of those churches. 

“Idriss is now concentrating on developing them more as leaders while they disciple those in their churches,” Timothy said.

While new churches are multiplying from that one training back in November, Moussa has begun teaching and discipling other churches to do the same.

“Moussa is now giving attention to another church to help them add more disciples and plant new churches,” Timothy said. “We are praising God for this partnership.”

It is so exciting to see how God can use a single training session to ignite a believer’s passion for His mission and turn it into generations of healthy, transformative, multiplying churches in previously unreached parts of the world. We can’t wait to see how God will continue to use Moussa and other believers in Central Africa.

*Names have been changed to ensure safety and anonymity.