Hello. My name is Mike and I currently help lead e3 Partners’ efforts to share the Gospel with the world’s international migrant & refugee populations. I’m writing to you about the terrible situation that is unfolding in Ukraine—along with an opportunity to pray for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Christ who are fleeing an onslaught of violence.
 Please view our PDF entitled “3 Prayers for Ukraine.”

All too often, regional conflicts, violence, and war cause people to flee their homes. But despite these troubling scenarios, we see an opportunity to uplift these individuals in the trenches with the hope of our Savior, Jesus Christ. e3 Partners has shared God’s love in Eastern Europe for many years, sending missionaries on periodic mission trips to Ukraine, Romania, and Russia. As such, we are incredibly concerned about the eruption of violence in Ukraine.

Recently, we participated in an online prayer meeting with a local Ukrainian church leader via Zoom to get a first-hand account of the situation on the ground. As you can imagine, the Ukrainian people are frightened and have many urgent prayer requests. Would you join us in prayer on their behalf?

1) Pray for refuge. Ukraine views itself as a Christian nation; an estimated 78% of adults identify as Orthodox Christian. With the country under attack, please pray that God will be the fortress and shield of Ukrainian followers of Jesus, and that He will protect His church and use it to accomplish His purposes in the midst of this horror. (Prayer verse: “Praise be to the Lord my rock … my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge …” – Psalm 144:1-2)

2) Pray for those in authority. World leaders, local authorities, and church leaders are all facing many difficult decisions at the present moment. Additionally, the neighboring countries in Eastern Europe are preparing for a surge of Ukrainian refugees. Ask God to help these leaders respond to this crisis with wisdom, godliness, and holiness. (Prayer verse: “I urge … that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority …” – 1 Timothy 2:1-2)

3) Pray for peace. As we pray for this evil and unnecessary aggression to end, ask God to let the unsurpassed peace of Christ rule in the hearts of all men. (Prayer verse: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” – Colossians 3:15)

Thank you in advance for your prayers and concern regarding the Ukrainian people. If you would like to invite others to pray over this situation, please forward this prayer resource titled “3 Prayers for Ukraine” to your family, friends, and fellow church members.