Hello! I’m Kevin, an e3 Strategy Coordinator for South Asia and I serve in the “10/40 window,” an area including North Africa, the Middle East, and much of Asia, which sits between 10 & 40 degrees north of the equator on a map. The 10/40 window contains vast numbers of unreached people who’ve neither heard the Gospel nor had access to a local church.

God has given e3 Partners an opportunity to serve in this part of the world and our evangelism teams in South Asia are reporting incredible miracles of healing as they share the love of Jesus with others. I’m excited to share with you this moving story about a new South Asian believer named Viaan, whom our local evangelism teams are now discipling.

Born and raised in a Hindu family, Viaan previously attended eastern religious festivals and practiced religious rituals because he did not know the name of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, Viaan became extremely ill one day. He first sought help from local doctors, yet these physicians were unable to provide him with a proper diagnosis. He decided to rest at home and take some medicine, but he did not recuperate and his condition only worsened.

Out of sheer desperation, Viaan turned to those in his community who perform black magic, but he saw no improvement in his health and continued to suffer. Viaan truly believed the end of his life was near and found himself in an utter state of helplessness due to this prolonged illness.

Just as Viaan began to lose hope, the Lord moved to heal him and bring him to salvation. His faith journey started when a Christian evangelist by the name of Anvit visited Viaan’s home. Anvit told Viaan about the love of Jesus Christ; it was his first time ever to hear the Gospel.

Viaan listened intently as Anvit explained that Jesus offers believers victory through His blood and sacrifice on the cross. That same day, Viaan chose to put his faith in Christ alone. Then, Anvit fervently prayed for his healing.

Immediately after his profession of faith and prayer time, Viaan felt overjoyed to see some initial improvement in his symptoms. A few days later, Viaan underwent water baptism and shortly after experienced a miraculous healing. Now, as a believer, Viaan tells others in his Hindu community that Jesus is his Healer and the Lord of his life.

This is just one example of the miracles we’re witnessing when people accept Christ in South Asia. As God demonstrates His might and power, non-believers cannot help but take notice and come to faith.

When people like Viaan follow Jesus in South Asia, they are often met with persecution from immediate family members, their village, and local governments. Please pray for these new believers and ask the Lord to give them courage, strength, and conviction.

As you reflect on this story, please know that our evangelism & discipleship teams are incredibly grateful for your support of e3 Partners Ministry, which makes our work in the 10/40 window possible.

Please note: The real names of Viaan and Anvit have been changed in this story to ensure their safety and anonymity.