Many of our e3 leaders are invited to speak on podcasts frequently, and one has even started his own (On the Road). Listen to conversations about 4 Fields training, sharing the gospel, multiplying disciples and churches, and completing the Great Commission.
On the Road | ep. 13
Three Thirds with Ross Ramsey
Here’s a simple pattern to help you disciple others.
On the Road | ep. 12
The 411 with Ginger Mayer
Help a new disciple immediately start making new disciples through a simple tool: The 411.
Discovering & Obeying the Word with Steve Parlato
If you teach a disciple the Bible, he’ll grow for a day. If you train a disciple to discover and obey the Bible, he’ll grow for a lifetime.
On the Road | ep. 10
Three Responses to the Gospel with Matt Altizer
Anytime you (attempt to) share the Gospel, people will respond in one of three ways. It helps to know what to do with each response.
On the Road | Bonus
Practicals of Fasting
Check out this bonus material to follow up Episode #9: Fasting for Movement with Jeff & Angie Sundell.
Fasting for Movement with Jeff & Angie Sundell
Can you imagine one million people fasting for #NoPlaceLeft? Maybe it’s time to start. Jeff and Angie Sundell cast vision for three specific fasts when pursuing movement.
On the Road | ep. 8
Abundant Prayer with Paul Watson
Pursuing a movement of disciple-making disciples and church-planting churches starts, ends, and is surrounded by prayer.
On the Road | ep. 7
Gospel: Three Circles with Kenton Killebrew
Sharing the Gospel doesn’t need to be complicated. The Three Circles is a simple Gospel tool that’s being used widely in #NoPlaceLeft networks.
Gospel: Share your Story in 15 seconds with Lukas Teese
Check out this episode of On the Road to #NoPlaceLeft for how God used a simple tool called a 15 Second testimony… in a bar… to save a recovering alcoholic.
On the Road | ep. 5
Hello to the Gospel in 3 Questions
Here are 3 questions to move any conversation to the Gospel.
On the Road | ep. 4
Start with your Oikos with Joleene Burts
Reaching the world with the Gospel starts with our own neighborhood.
On the Road | ep. 3
The Four Fields: A Path to #NoPlaceLeft with Tom Hall
The Four Fields is a simple strategy that provides a path to #NoPlaceLeft.
On the Road | ep. 2
The Brutal Facts with Dale Losch of Crossworld
How many people are living without Jesus here and around the world?
On the Road | ep. 1
What does #NoPlaceLeft mean?
Steve Addison shares.
Movements.net | ep. 171
NoPlaceLeft Kansas City
Steve talks to Tom Hall about NoPlaceLeft Kansas City.
Movements.net | ep. 163
CoopersOnAMission from Florida to California
Steve talks to Troy and Rachel Cooper about NoPlaceLeft from Florida to California.
Movements.net | ep. 158
Students Pioneering Movements
Mike “Puck” Puckett talks about equipping students to multiply disciples and churches.
Movements.net | ep. 156
Growing workers for NoPlaceLeft
There is nothing more important in a multiplying movement than growing the next wave of leaders. Justin White is doing just that.
Engaging Missions | ep. 236
How to Impact Communities with the Good News
Tom shares about his journey from pastor to disciple-maker and what God has been doing through the ministry.
Charlotte Wootton's Staff Support Fundraiser
It is with pure joy that I share how God is allowing me to continue to minister to children after teaching elementary-age children in public schools for 35 years yet now on a much larger scale!
As Children's Ministry Coordinator for e3 Partners, I have the honor and privilege of sharing the gospel with children on every one of my mission trips. But an even greater opportunity is to provide team members on ANY e3 expedition the materials with which to share the gospel with children. We train and equip nationals in over 40 countries to evangelize and disciple all believers and this includes children of all ages. These children are the future of their countries so the earlier they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the earlier they can be missionaries to their own people. New churches will be planted and multiplied until the whole world hears!
Thank you for your financial support that provides for my daily needs as well as for the traveling expenses of my mission trips that I do not lead. I am praying for more and more opportunities to share the children's ministry in new countries and develop an ongoing need for ministry to special needs orphanages. Your support will enable me to further His Kingdom and to obey Jesus when he said, "Whoever receives one of these little ones in My name receives Me." Matthew 18: 5
Our goal is to Equip God's people to Evangelize His World to Establish His Kingdom.
For His glory,
Charlotte Wootton
There are no updates at this time.
- Charlotte Wootton
- Sylvia Boyle
- Erna Drummond
- Janis Townsend
- Sidney Murphy
- Lana King
- Lawrence Parsley
- Joyce Parchman
- Jack Lupton
- Willie Thompson
- George Patton
- Scott Holdridge
- Rick Anderson
- Patricia Ramirez
- First Baptist Church
- Valley Ranch Baptist Church
- Edward Sloane
- Nancy Nelson
- Tambra Offield
- Lorie Hitzhusen
- Ashley & Stephen Ogal
- Patricia Gaylord
- Robert and Jackie Goodroe
- Patricis Fitch
- Betty Pruitt
- Buzz and Sherry Lupton
- Tambra Offield
- Jo Ann Hebert
- Rita C Dickerson
- Charles and Donna Middlekauf
- Luella Funderburg
- Katheryn Childs
- Donna Dean
- Eileen Parks
- Cheryl Pita
- Glosson Enterprises
- Danny Glosson
- Mike Liebram
- Peggy Fedun
- Patricia Ramirez
- J. Holdridge
- Huey & Ingrid Guo
- John Fleming
- Sherry Johnson
- Mike and Patricia Liebrum
- Lavada Williams
- Anne Morton
- Charlotte Cariker
- Paula Griffin
- LIFE Ministry of San Angelo Inc
- Billy Ballow
- Jean Rudisill
- Greta Allen
- Sheri Shelton
- Carol Dalton
- Luella Funderburg
- george van dalen
- Jeff and Melba Tiller
- Anthony Castilaw
- Asia Johnson
- Andrea Hawkins
- Ken Morrill
- Billy Ballow
- Noel Dear
- Patsy L Barton
- Debra Collins
- Billy Warren
- Mary Ann Young
- william stevens
- Brandy Oden
- Patti Goodrum
- Jimmy Partin
- Dan Dooley
- Janenne Pendleton
- Robert Goodroe
- Noel Dead
- Troy Wooten
- Brenda and Danny Williams
- Noel Dear
- Jack and Sherry Lupton
- Betty Cole
- Diane Jones
- Julie Woodruff
- Scott Woodruff
- Robert and Brenda Hill
- Sherry A Lupton
- Howard & Sandra Irion
- Marsha Moore
- Bettie Pruitt
- Susan Green
- Denise Kickham
- Franklin Matson
- Sheila Doggett
- Simonetta Gowan
- Terri Moehring
- Corey & Wendy Beck