
Many of our e3 leaders are invited to speak on podcasts frequently, and one has even started his own (On the Road). Listen to conversations about 4 Fields training, sharing the gospel, multiplying disciples and churches, and completing the Great Commission.

On the Road | ep. 13
Three Thirds with Ross Ramsey

Here’s a simple pattern to help you disciple others.

On the Road | ep. 12
The 411 with Ginger Mayer

Help a new disciple immediately start making new disciples through a simple tool: The 411.

On the Road | ep. 11
Discovering & Obeying the Word with Steve Parlato

If you teach a disciple the Bible, he’ll grow for a day. If you train a disciple to discover and obey the Bible, he’ll grow for a lifetime.

On the Road | ep. 10
Three Responses to the Gospel with Matt Altizer

Anytime you (attempt to) share the Gospel, people will respond in one of three ways. It helps to know what to do with each response.

On the Road | Bonus
Practicals of Fasting

Check out this bonus material to follow up Episode #9: Fasting for Movement with Jeff & Angie Sundell.

On the Road | ep. 9
Fasting for Movement with Jeff & Angie Sundell

Can you imagine one million people fasting for #NoPlaceLeft? Maybe it’s time to start. Jeff and Angie Sundell cast vision for three specific fasts when pursuing movement.

On the Road | ep. 8
Abundant Prayer with Paul Watson

Pursuing a movement of disciple-making disciples and church-planting churches starts, ends, and is surrounded by prayer.

On the Road | ep. 7
Gospel: Three Circles with Kenton Killebrew

Sharing the Gospel doesn’t need to be complicated. The Three Circles is a simple Gospel tool that’s being used widely in #NoPlaceLeft networks.

On the Road | ep. 6
Gospel: Share your Story in 15 seconds with Lukas Teese

Check out this episode of On the Road to #NoPlaceLeft for how God used a simple tool called a 15 Second testimony… in a bar… to save a recovering alcoholic.

On the Road | ep. 5
Hello to the Gospel in 3 Questions

Here are 3 questions to move any conversation to the Gospel.

On the Road | ep. 4
Start with your Oikos with Joleene Burts

Reaching the world with the Gospel starts with our own neighborhood.

On the Road | ep. 3
The Four Fields: A Path to #NoPlaceLeft with Tom Hall

The Four Fields is a simple strategy that provides a path to #NoPlaceLeft.

On the Road | ep. 2
The Brutal Facts with Dale Losch of Crossworld

How many people are living without Jesus here and around the world?

Movements.net | ep. 171
NoPlaceLeft Kansas City

Steve talks to Tom Hall about NoPlaceLeft Kansas City.

Movements.net | ep. 163
CoopersOnAMission from Florida to California

Steve talks to Troy and Rachel Cooper about NoPlaceLeft from Florida to California.

Movements.net | ep. 158
Students Pioneering Movements

Mike “Puck” Puckett talks about equipping students to multiply disciples and churches.

Movements.net | ep. 156
Growing workers for NoPlaceLeft

There is nothing more important in a multiplying movement than growing the next wave of leaders. Justin White is doing just that.

Engaging Missions | ep. 236
How to Impact Communities with the Good News

Tom shares about his journey from pastor to disciple-maker and what God has been doing through the ministry.

Clint Harrill's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Clinton Harrill

Since September of 2011, God has really been moving in my life.  He has taken me from a Christian who was on a roller coaster ride through life and transformed me into a true follower of Christ.  He has brought a new perspective to my understanding of what He has put me in this world to do.  His word has come alive and I realize what “The Great Commission” really means.  I also know what it means, now, to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  I just want to take a few moments to tell you some of the things God has done.

 In my home town of Forest City, North Carolina, God pulled me out of a life where I was aimlessly searching for anything to fill that void in my life to an understanding that He is all I need.  He showed me that my purpose for being here was to love Him with all my heart, to love my neighbor as myself and to GO and make disciples.  As I began to understand this, I also started digging deeper into His word and falling more in love with Him.  As my love for Him grew, so did my love for people (my neighbors).  As my love for people grew, so did my desire to make disciples.  You see, it all goes hand in hand. 

            God has allowed me the privilege to personally lead over 30 people to Christ since December of 2012 and over 60 people have received Christ as a result of this.  This has happened because someone took the time to train and disciple me in a very simple, reproducing process.  I have been busy over the past 3 years sharing with and training people to do this same process.  This has happened through prayer walking, disciple making groups in homes and doing trainings in different states throughout the US.  As a result of God’s call on my life, I have joined a Church Planting organization known as e3 Partners and I am Second.  Joining this mission organization classifies me as a United States Missionary.

            In February of 2014, God’s call on my life has brought me to Austin, Texas for 12 months.  I am continuing to make reproducing disciples here in Austin as a part of a ministry team in this area.  My efforts here also include prayer walking, looking for people and houses of peace, disciple making groups in homes, and doing reproducing discipleship trainings. 

            I would love to invite you to join my ministry team.  God has no doubt called me into this field and it would be a great privilege to have you join me.  Please pray for me as I follow God’s call on my life, join me in the harvest field as we go out and search for these people in whom God is already at work, and be a part of my financial support team as I continue to serve God as a full time US Missionary.  I will include the information needed for you to join the ministry team.


You can continue to see updates from me in the form of a newsletter monthly(If you want to receive my newsletter, send me your email or physical address). Please continue to pray for me and how you can be a part of this ministry!!!


For more information on me and how you can be involved, please visit: www.e3partners.org/ClintHarrill, email me at clint.harrill@e3partners.org or call/text at (828)748-1172

Contributions can be made directly on my fundraiser page or mailed to:
e3PARTNERS   2001 W. Plano Parkway    Suite 2600    Plano, TX   75075  with Clint Harrill  #637 in the memo line

  • Running Around like crazy, but back in NC since November 15, 2014.

    Posted a week ago

    Shortly after returning to North Carolina, God blessed me with a "tent making" opportunity, but I had to go to Canada to do it!! I spent almost 2 months there working construction in a hospital. It was hard work but definitely a blessing.

    From February 17-23 I had the opportunity to go to Stuart, Florida for an e3USA retreat and that was refreshing. We rolled out a Level 1 training for some of the newer folks on the team and we got to spend time out in the harvest sharing the gospel and loving on people.....my favorite!!

    As I'm trying to get settled back in, God has shown me many things and is giving me clarity on His purpose for my life here in North Carolina and beyond. I had a chance to go to San Antonio to the George Strait team roping.....It was a lot of fun and I was blessed to be able to do that, but I doubled it as an opportunity to connect with a couple who are awesome mentors in my life and learned so much from them. I also had a chance to reconnect with a lot of the folks that I worked with in Austin in the form of a gathering at one of their homes on that Saturday evening. It was a very productive trip and it was so exciting to see how God is still using those folks in Austin. Praise God!!

    Since getting back, I've been continuing to do some "tent making" as well as continuing to work towards getting to 100% support. I'm scheduling appointments and trying to be efficient with my time. We have a training planned here in Forest City on March 27-28. It will be an L1 training on Friday and then prayer walking on Saturday. God is also beginning to give me more opportunities to travel to other areas to co-labor and train. Please be in prayer as I travel to Nashville for 3-4 weeks, leaving Mach 31 and then I fly to Sacramento, CA on May 4th to spend 2 weeks in the harvest and training there.

    I am so thankful for God's divine appointments and giving me these opportunities to train here in my home town and the blessing to go to other places. As these opportunities come up more often, please pray about how God wants you to be involved. I covet your prayers, encourage you to reach out to people in your own communities and pray about partnering with me financially so that I can continue to go wherever the Lord calls me.

    Posted by:
    Clinton Harrill

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