Zahra*, a Muslim woman in her 20s living in one of the most conservative cities in the Middle East, ran away from her family because her father had been abusive toward her.

“She was at the end of her rope,” said Melissa*, one of e3’s Strategy Coordinators based in the Middle East. “She didn’t have anywhere to go, had completely lost hope, and was considering going to work as a prostitute.”

Zahra called an Uber to pick her up, and that Uber happened to be driven by Arman*, one of the believers in Melissa’s church network. As Zahra sat in the back seat, she was talking on the phone about her situation and the path to prostitution she was considering.

“Once she got off the phone, Arman began sharing with her about the love of Jesus and the hope found in Him alone,” Melissa said. “When she heard the Gospel, she immediately accepted Christ! She decided to go back home instead of entering prostitution, and a week later, she got baptized!”

Zahra reported back that her home situation improved and she is now safe there. She joined one of the church groups in Melissa’s network and continues to be discipled.

“Since going back home, Zahra has led two friends to faith in Jesus!” Melissa said. “Now she will be coming to our Gospel Conversations training in February. Please be praying for our new sister in Christ!”


*Names and images have been changed for safety and anonymity