Did you know there’s a region of South Asia referred to as “The Forgotten South” where less than 10% of the population is considered Christian? James*, one of e3’s Strategy Coordinators in the area, has been working with Nithil*, an indigenous partner, to help raise that percentage.

“Out of every 100 people, only 10 people are Christians,” Nithil said. “And we are not sure what kind of Christians these are – whether they are even practicing the truth of the Bible. I work in two states where the percentage is even less than that – they have even less than 10% Christianity. There is a lot of work remaining in these areas.”

Within the two states Nithil is focused on, only 1.3% of people identify as Christians, and there are nearly 200 unreached people groups. Nithil and his team are currently working among 25 of them and are seeking ways to expand into the others.

“By God’s grace we have been able to go to these unreached people groups, preach the Gospel, see people come to faith, and see people get baptized,” Nithil said. “It is thrilling and amazing that we are able to see this much fruit.”

While the numbers may seem daunting to most, Nithil said he and his team are not intimidated. They are instead fueled by the mission God has placed on their hearts – the very same mission that drives us here at e3 Partners: to see a healthy, multiplying, transformative church accessible to every person on Earth.

“We want to see every place and every district filled with the Gospel,” Nithil said. “We want the Gospel to be preached and for all people to come to know Christ. My team and I are making disciples who make disciples, planting churches that plant churches, and creating networks that create networks so we can see there is no place left without the Gospel.”

We are so thankful for our partnership with James, Nithil, and others who are faithful to bring the name of Christ to places seemingly “forgotten.” And we are even more thankful to serve a God who never forgets us (Isaiah 44:21)!

*Names have been changed to ensure safety and anonymity.