Tim and Danielle*, two of e3’s Made to Multiply Strategy Coordinators based in southern Florida, recently took a group to share the Gospel in a downtown area. Before they divided into groups of two or three to evangelize, they worshipped in the middle of the main street.
“God rallied a little crowd together to watch,” Tim said. “God highlighted a young man to us who was watching our group worship. Our 17-year-old friend, Isaiah, went over to him and simply asked if he could pray for him about anything. It became apparent that this man, Greg, was completely broken.”
Isaiah shared his testimony with Greg and went through the 3 Circles Gospel presentation with him, and Greg began to sob uncontrollably. He shared with us that he was crying out to God the night before and asking for a sign from Him because his life was a mess.
“After regaining some composure, he looked Isaiah and said, ‘This is my sign!'” Tim said. “He was so moved because God saw Him and answered! Greg ended up giving his life to the Lord just five minutes later!”
Tim and Isaiah shared some Scriptures with him and discussed how the next step in his faith was to be baptized in water. He said, “Let’s do it!” So the group walked to the end of the street to a waterfront stage that sits on the river in downtown.
“Isaiah baptized Greg right on the spot!” Tim said. “We did a short little Bible study with him and showed him how he can start growing in his walk with Jesus. We’re going to get Greg connected to one of the house churches here and also start the discipleship process with him.”
After exchanging contact information, Tim and Danielle realized that they actually know Greg’s aunt, uncle, and cousins.
“We of course shared what happened with him, and his extended family said they’ve been praying for Greg for years!” Tim said. “They also confirmed that he was very far from God and hurting for quite a long time. They are overjoyed at the decision he made, which only increased our praise to the King for our new brother in Jesus! It was a humbling reminder that we should never give up praying for our lost family members and friends. Pray for Greg as he begins his new walk with the Lord!”