Susan, one of e3’s missionaries, recently led a small team to Tanzania made up of three Americans and two national leaders.

“We saw God working in miraculous ways,” Susan said. “We facilitated two Gospel and discipleship trainings and did vision casting in a new area. In total, we trained 160 believers who are now equipped with simple ways to share the Good News and read the Bible together to grow in deeper relationship with Jesus.”

Susan and her team also encountered three pastors she trained during a previous trip in the Tanga region. Their team planned to train new believers those pastors had reached in their local areas.

“What we didn’t know until we got there was these three pastors had actually been doing outreach in other parts of their district and had started six new churches!” Susan said.

The team split into three groups and partnered with the pastors to help train these new churches. Each training site was packed to overflowing with new believers eager to learn more about Jesus, Susan said.

“The really cool thing was that the pastors have been well equipped, so they actually did the majority of the training!” Susan said. “This is what we have prayed for as we train local people to reach the local people. What a beautiful testimony of God’s faithfulness to see it happening within the first year of starting work in this region!”


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