Last month, Melanie*, one of e3’s Strategy Coordinators in the Middle East, went out to share the Gospel in her area with two of her local partners. They met two young women; one was very friendly and excited to talk, while the other hung back and was more shy and soft spoken.

“At first we assumed that the first woman was open to hearing and the second woman was more closed,” Melanie said. “But you never know until you share!”

Melanie shared her short testimony and the Gospel using the 3 Circles method. When Melanie asked the first woman where she saw herself, she said she had a “I’m fine; I’m improving myself” mentality. 

“But then the second woman said ‘I’m here in brokenness,’” Melanie said. “She started describing depression and loneliness in her life and what seemed like some demonic oppression. I asked her where she wanted to be and she pointed to the circle that represents relationship with God!”

Melanie then asked the girl, Nour*, if she would like to meet sometime and read together from the Bible stories about who Jesus is. 

“She said yes!” Melanie said. “She told me, ‘I’ve read the Quran twice but I don’t really know anything about Jesus, so I really want to learn!’ Then before leaving, she said ‘Thank you, I really needed to hear this today.’”

A week later, Melanie and her local partners met with Noura again to share more about Jesus and the Gospel.

“She repented and put her faith in Jesus!” Melanie said “These were her first times hearing the Gospel, but she was so desperate for God to change her and to be made new that she just immediately believed … no need to convince or debate. The Holy Spirit prepared her. We just showed up and God did the work!”

After she received Jesus, Noura said she felt free and had so much peace. She hadn’t been sleeping well for a long time, and she said, “I feel so much peace that I could fall asleep right now.” 

Noura had been struggling with demonic oppression and sickness her whole life, along with trauma from growing up around so much war and death. 

“We did prayer ministry with her for healing and deliverance, and Jesus completely delivered her and healed her heart,” Melanie said. “It was amazing to see the Holy Spirit just come and meet with her and do this work in her heart. Afterward, we read two stories in Luke about Jesus’s authority over spirits and over sickness, grounding that experience she had with Jesus in the Word of God.”

Melanie and her partners continue to disciple Noura and are currently walking through the Gospel of John with her. 

“Please be praying for her as she learns how to follow Jesus and to live this new life in Him!” Melanie said. “Be praying for her as she reads that Jesus would continue to reveal himself to her, what He is like, and how to walk in His ways.”


*Names have been changed to ensure safety and anonymity.