
As we establish churches across the globe, we empower Christians to make a difference in their communities.  We’re opening the door to Gospel conversations through compassionate care and creative activities—and you can be a part of it.  Find a cause that resonates with you and join the team through your financial gift.

e3 Medical - Medical Supplies

Organized by Anne Lucas

This fundraising page raises funds for 
  • Medical Supplies to help defray the cost of providing for the most needy and vulnerable people across the world.
  • Reading glasses to enable those in need to read, sew and do detailed handwork.
  • Bibles for spiritual health.
  • Food baskets for the hungry (cooking oil, flour, rice, beans, tea, coffee and hopefully a chicken.
  • Cover the cost of medical supplies for those unable to pay for their prescriptions.
  • Extremely poor children, many are orphans: We often provide funds at Christmas for pants, a shirt, shoes, food basket and a small toy.
If you have a specific thing you wish to donate towards or a specific country, please put that in the comment section. 

God bless you for your generous and faithful financial contributions. These supplies give us an opportunity to show God's love and to share His love, mercy and grace! Thank you for being a part of the Team!

If you are interested in going or have questions please contact me at medical@e3partners.org.    

God bless you!  Anne Lucas, Director e3 Medical
  • You are making a Kingdom impact!

    Posted a week ago

    Because of you six mothers and 11 children are having decent meals, clothes that fit and school supplies. Thank you for stepping up to help the families of the new Believers who are imprisoned because of their faith in Jesus!

    May the Lord bless you abundantly with His Joy and Peace!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Amazing opportunities ...

    Posted a week ago

    Your faithful contributions and prayers are making a Kingdom impact....God bless you!

    We anticipate needing an additional $10,000 this year and into the first quarter of 2025 forfour opportunities and others. 

    • Middle East ... enabling our leaders to follow-up with the 300+ patients seen in March, especially the 27 new Believers, start more house churches, minister to the medical needs of people in their communities, feed the children. Medical Team going in October returning to a local in which we have served in the past where the Gospel is spreading slowly, but it is spreading!!
    • Refugees in Greece ... the continued follow-up and discipleship with the over 300 we served in January. Medical Team going in May working among the refugees and Greeks with medical to open doors to share the Gospel.
    • *New* opportunity - leading a medical team to Portugal to open new work among Arabic speaking people. An assessment team is going in May to determine how this will work.
    • *New* opportunity -  leading a medical team to a *new* area for e3 Medical in North Africa.
    God continues to provide opportunities for e3 Medical to Open Doors, Strengthen The Church and Encourage Local Believers!

    Thank you for your generosity!  Let us go boldly by the power of the Holy Spirit sharing the Word and making disciples!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Outpouring of love for others!

    Posted a week ago

    Your outpouring of love for the Lord and the people e3 Medical serves is a blessing beyond measure! Thank you! 

    As we close out this year we have been able to provide for the needs of people in India, Lebanon, Israel, Kenya, Tanzania, Greece-Refugees, Egypt, Republic of Georgia, Jorsan, Latin America and even in the USA. God has used e3 Medical to open doors for the Gospel and disciple making. You have been an integral part!! May the Lord bless you! 
    May 2024 be a wonderful year for you and your family!
    May we all live our faith with passion! 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Christmas for 180 Middle Eastern Children

    Posted a week ago

    We have heard of 180 children in the Middle East who need a special gift at Christmas. The children are in an area in which we have served with medical clinics. Many of them are orphans.

    $40 per child will provide pants, a shirt, a small toy. For another $20 we can also provide a small food basket of basket cooking supplies.

    From now until December 15th, we are having a Virtual Fundraiser to raise funds for these children. 

    We hope to raise $10,800. Thank you for your prayers and support! 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Blessing the little children

    Posted a week ago

    Many thanks for the donations for school bag and supplies for the little children in the Middle East! We were able to send the funds for 180 little ones! Included in the bags for each child will be children's material about Jesus. Please pray for these little ones...Jesus knows their names!

    God bless you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • The little children!

    Posted a week ago

    we have an opportunity to help 180 Middle Eastern children who are orphaned or are being raised by a single mom. They need school bags and supplies. Our national leader can provide those bags for $5.75 per bag with supplies. 

    Thank you to those who have donated! Thank you tk those who will donate! 

    The children will also have an opportunity to hear that Jesus loves them! 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Medical supplies needed

    Posted a week ago

    Our medical teams are returning to pre-COVID days, praise the Lord!

    We have a few critical needs for medical supplies at this time for teams going to the Middle East and Central Asia. These supplies include over-the-counter medicine and antibiotics, glasses and food baskets for those who are literally starving.

    Your generous and faithful financial contributions in the past have truly been a blessing. With these supplies we are able to more effective show God's love and to share His love, mercy and grace! Thank you for being a part!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • e3 Medical: Preparing for 2023!

    Posted a week ago

    God has faithfully answered our prayers this year, even those we didn't pray!
    As we move into 2023 we pray we will faithfully follow His plans!
    Thank you for being faithful prayer warriors and supporters!

    May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 This joy and peace can only come from our Lord!

    Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:21 He will equip us to do what He needs us to accomplish!

    We appreciate your prayers for a team leaving mid-January to work with refugees in Greece. We have a large team of which half are nursing students. We anticipate God has great plans for this team!  Thank you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Praise! Answered prayer!

    Posted a week ago

    January 2021 I sent the following request. You prayed and provided funds. This sweet young lady was greatly surprised this morning when she was released from prison! She was told she would be there for 15 years!! Our ministry partners in Athens are meet her in two hours! Please pray as she settles into this next phase of her life...free from prison!
    THANK YOU for being a part of this miracle!  God answers prayers!

    Urgent need for prayer!Posted about almost 2 years ago

    We have a situation with a young refugee lady who "disappeared" ten months ago and our local team could not find her. They received word yesterday that she had been beaten by a bunch of thugs, falsely accused of a crime and put in jail ten months ago. None of her friends or family back in her country knew where she was or what had happened. She had no phone, no way to contact anyone.

    One of our Brothers heard a few days ago that she was in prison. He was able to go to the prison and take blankets and a few hygiene supplies and snacks. He somehow was able to get a phone to her so we could know the situation.

    The lawyer assigned to represent her didn't get paid so he quit working to get her released. She couldn't pay because she had no money, no assets and no way to contact any of our Brothers and Sisters or her family.

    She is a strong young Christian lady.  

    Our Brothers there have contacted a lawyer to help her. If you can assist with any funds, we would greatly appreciate it.

    Please pray!!
    * For her protection!
    * For her health!
    * For her faith to stay strong!
    * For the lawyer to get her out of jail!

    Thank you so much!! God bless you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Thank you!

    Posted a week ago

    Many thanks for your very generations donations to assist with a major heart procedure. We are halfway to our goal! Our Brother "R" does not know about this effort to assist him. He told me yesterday, he knows God has a plan for him. Thank you!

    The update from two days ago: We learned today the one of our very important Middle East national leaders needs a major heart procedure that could cost up to $9000. He is in a bad situation because as a pastor there he has not insurance. God has and continues to use him in an amazing way starting new house churches throughout this country! We know has a plan for “R’s” life!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • You are a blessing!

    Posted a week ago

    We thank the Lord for your walking with us through prayer and donations to meet the needs of people throughout the world! 

    We learned today the one of our very important Middle East national leaders needs a major heart procedure that could cost up to $9000. He is in a bad situation because as a pastor there he has not insurance. God has and continues to use him in an amazing way starting new house churches throughout this country! We know has a plan for “R’s” life!

    Please pray! Thank you!! 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Refugee medical assistance needed: Ukraine and Afghan

    Posted a week ago

    With the influx of Afghan refugees and the Ukrainian crisis, we are being asked to increase our number of volunteers and medical supplies to provide medical treatment.

    Your prayers are a critical need!
    Your financial assistance is also a great need.

    Thank you!

    Anne Lucas, Director e3 Medical

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Joy and Peace

    Posted a week ago

    Joy and peace are not emotions to those of us who are followers of Jesus.

    Having joy and peace in our lives depends on WHO Jesus IS to us.
    During this season of our lives, we wish you His Joy and Peace!
    This Joy and Peace is why the Persecuted Christians are seeing much fruit for the Gospel.

    The figures on the manger scene photo are hand carved out of thorn bushes by a Hausa Nigerian man many decades ago when I left Nigeria at age 16. The cave was a gift from dear friends and is hand caved out of an olive tree in Israel.

    The story: People from every tribe, tongue and nation will one day fall on their knees and worship Jesus, the Lord!

    I am so grateful for each of you who faithfully pray and financially support me in this ministry.

    May the Lord abundantly bless you during this beautiful Christmas season!

    Anne Lucas
    Director e3 Partners Medical and Short-Term Missions

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Being a spark in the dark

    Posted a week ago

    "At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us." Albert Schweitzer

    You have been multiple sparks in the dark as you have walked along beside e3 Medical as we strive to model Jesus' love, compassion and healing. Thank you!

    Funds from Medical Supplies have been used to

    • purchase food supplies for Believers and non-Believers who are without food
    • purchase medicine for pastors, lay leaders and people in communities  5 areas of the world. Many had no means to purchase blood pressure, insulin much less medicine needed for COVID-19.
    • enable national leaders to hold local clinics with national physicians because we sent funds for medicines.
    • assisted in getting a trafficked young lady into a safe house.
    • in-person and via Zoom, we shared the Gospel and watched multitudes come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior!
    One of my favorite gifts to give is the gift of prayer. Prayer changes the one being prayed for and the one praying! God answers!

    God bless you and multiply your blessings! 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Kenya-Tanzania Medical Clinic ...boots on the ground and virtually

    Posted a week ago

    You financially support has enabled so many to receive medicine, medical and hygiene supplies, and baskets of food. Thank you so very much!!

    This week, e3 Medical has medical clinics in Kenya and discipleship training in Tanzania. Our national leaders are the "boots on the ground" in their respective countries which we listen, watch and pray as they are serving.

    Donations you have given to this Medical Supplies Fund help provide the medicines and food supplies. 

    The Kenya clinic June 14th results:

    • 98 patients
    • 30 heard the Gospel.
    • 18 people became new Christ followers
    • A Bible study group is starting with 30 people attending - many are Muslim background.
    In Tanzania there are 41 training centers. This is what has happened during the pandemic --only God!
    • 96 students just graduated from the program
    • They reached 3876 people with the Gospel
    • 845 people became Christ followers!!
    • 102 Bible study groups started
    • 8 new churches were begun.

    The funds donated for the pastors in India has been an incredible blessing to them. One was able to get on a life-saving ventilator. Medicine has helped curb the COVID-19 symptoms. They are beyond grateful! Thank you! We raised the $2000 needed over a 24 hour period....God bless you!

    You are a part of God's Kingdom's work! THANK YOU!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Update: Urgent COVID-19 situation in India!

    Posted a week ago

    My heart is full of gratitude!  Thank you so much for your donations! Our national leader began assisting the pastors in getting medicine! May the Lord be glorified!

    Previous request:

    Please pray fervently for this horrific wave of COVID-19 in India. Thousands are dying with little to no access to medical treatment.

    We have an opportunity to provide funds for pastors who are getting or having COVID-19 purchase the medicine and healthcare they need to recover from COVID-19. Many of them are dying at this moment.

    Your prayers are mighty and God hears and answers!! Praise Him!! Thank you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Exciting news ...a real trip!!

    Posted a week ago

    We are excited that three, maybe four of us will be able to go to the Middle East in May.  We will be doing a combination of strategy development, ministry and some medical with local doctors.

    Please join us in
    1. Praising the Lord for what He has been doing in this country and for our national team who work tirelessly for Him!
    2. Praising the Lord for those able to go!
    3. Please pray for
        a. all the pieces and parts to come together quickly ...it is a shortly preparation time!
        b. for those we will meet to encourage, minister to and share God's love.
        c. for favor with authorities in the country as we enter and minister.

    Additional prayer request. Since we have such a small team, we could use your assistance in helping to defray the costs to cover two days of medical supplies, two days of ministry to families and women, translator and transportation costs. Because churches are not allowed to gather at this time, we will be required to rent a location for any ministry work.  We are hoping to raise $5000 in additional funding.

    Mostly we covet your prayers for what God will be doing among those who do not believe in Him.

    Thank you!

    Anne Lucas, Director e3 Medical

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • 2020 Compassion leads to Jesus!

    Posted a week ago

    God gave us a new year!! Welcome, 2021!

    In 2020, God have us incredible favor as we distributed

    • food baskets, hygiene kits, shoes for those who had none and warm clothes to thousands in extreme need
    • medical assistance to hundreds 
    • over 12,000 masks and hand sanitizer to those who couldn't afford it
    Most important! Each person received prayer and the message of the Hope that only Jesus can give.

    YOU were and are the answer to prayers from across the world. Thank you!

    Just a few of the countries/regions in which e3 Medical was able to serve from afar because of your generosity and many prayers! People in these countries received the items above, opened their hearts and God worked miracles!!
    * Kenya where over 100 Muslims became Believers and were baptized!
    * Greece where hundreds of refugees from the Middle East are now part of small Bible studies.
    * North Africa where over 70 pastors were re-ignited with a passion to make disciples.
    * India where 10,000 masks opened doors to the Gospel and many were baptized!
    * Asia where house churches are growing rapidly!
    * Middle Eastern country devastated by an explosion.
    * Russia where new house churches are growing. 
    * Honduras ravaged by hurricanes.
    * Romania where numerous of our pastor partners have died from COVID-19.
    * Niger where food baskets kept people from starving.
    ....and more!

    Thank you for the Kingdom Impact YOU made!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Masks and the Gospel

    Posted a week ago

    Masks are opening the door to share the Gospel!! Praise the Lord for using COVID-19 for HIS glory and HIS honor!!
    God uses whatever we have, if we allow Him!

    1. Who would have thought that giving a mask or two would open a door?
    2. Who would have thought teaching ways to properly wear a mask and how to stay safe from COVID-19 would open the door?

    "It's happening!" in Kenya, the Middle East, Greece, Niger, Romania, Rwanda, Russia, Tanzania and Southeast Asia.

    e3 Medical has provided funds to our national partners to purchase masks, hand sanitizer and soap to those who cannot afford it. The proper way to wear the mask is also taught ...something we call could learn <smile>!
     It seems like a small thing unless you have no money to purchase a mask!

    In Southeast Asia, one of our leaders uses a flip chart to teach proper wearing of masks and how to properly wash one's hands. In strictly controlled villages where sharing the Gospel isn't allowed, the police are allowing him to teach, give away masks AND share the Gospel!!

    In one village, some radicals threatened him after he taught mask usage and gave out masks. He was being accused of being a government spy. He went home and decided to visit the slum areas near his home and was welcomed with open arms to teach and share the Gospel! He said his lesson was: never get discouraged; step out in faith and the Lord provides a person of peace. Praise the Lord!

    We anticipate he and his team will distribute 15,000 masks by the end of next week... masks given with much prayer and in the Name of Jesus! 15,000 people will hear the Gospel!! Baptisms are happening, lives are changed because of a little mask and a big virus!

    Our role has been to pray, send funds, pray and listen to unbelievable stories!

    Join us!!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Feeding the hungry . . . being a disciple of Christy

    Posted a week ago

    Our Brother met a Middle Eastern refugee family wandering with no place to go, no food, no money. As he talked with them in their native language, he learned their harrowing story of escaping evil in their homeland. They came to Europe seeking refugee and hope for a safer and better life. 
    Our Brother took them for a meal, then to the grocery store to purchase food supplies for a couple of weeks. He told them this was a gift from Jesus. The man broke down and cried. 
    The wife was wearing a worn out pair of men's shoes that someone gave her. Our Brother was able to get her a pair of women's shoes that fit.
    The little boy shyly asked if he could have some chocolate <smile> ...of course he got his wish!

    How does this apply to medical missions? Healing comes in many forms, including giving hope, caring for the basic needs of people: physically, mentally and emotionally.

    They have been open to hearing more about this God who loves them, this God who sees their situation. AND this God who sent a Brother to meet their needs because Brothers and Sisters in the USA were willing to share in ministry.

    Thank you! God bless you! You were part of giving Hope, a bit of happiness and in sharing the Gospel!


    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Medical supplies - physical, emotional and spiritual healing

    Posted a week ago

    As our teams works with our national partners, we continue to assess ways in which we can help people throughout the world in a tangible way which opens doors to pray for their needs and share with them the love of God.

    In the past few months, we have used funds your have donated to help 

    • refugee children with scabies and impetigo get the medicine they need - we covered the cost.
    • assist a greatly abused woman in getting to a safe haven - emotional healing. She learned just how much Jesus loves her!
    • assist in covering the cost of blood pressure and diabetes medications in the Middle East --they didn't have the funds to cover the cost, no job, no income. They learned about Jesus!
    • provided tennis shoes and food for children in the Middle East who live on the streets. 
    Thank you for being a vital and tangible part of our ability to serve! God bless you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • 2020 a few lessons learned

    Posted a week ago

    2020 Lessons Learned ... a few of them!

    When it looks like the world is totally out of control and totally unsalvageable ....God shows up in His mighty power!

    We couldn't go, but
    • we sent the funds to help the Nationals continue the work.
    • we meet virtually several times a week with our National Partners to encourage and pray with them ...they are praying for us, too!
    • we watched as our National Partners shared scripture, prayed, washed feet, showed God's love through tangible means such as food supply packages.
    We learned ...and are learning: (just a few of the many)
    • Hearts hardened against God have been softened and opened because one of our national team members showed compassion and love and shared God's Word.
    • Over 200 Muslims heard the Gospel in East Africa and 30 Bible study groups have been started!
    • Refugee women and children have been removed from abusive situations in camp.
    • Refugee children have once again laughed and played as children should at a party with snacks, balloons and gifts for each one.
    • 100 of the poorest of poor Arabic children received new shoes and food.
    • 390+ Arabic women joined in Bible studies and had their feet washed as they learned the importance of loving one another. Wives and mothers who are training up the next generation.
    • Tough, strong Arabic men have broken down and cried because a Christian man prayed with him and washed his feet and told him God knows the challenges he is facing with no job and no food. Food supply packages were delivered to his home.
    My cup runneth over with thankfulness to the Lord and to you for being a part of this "different and creative" way of being engaged in missions. Opportunity abounds regardless of our circumstances!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • God is writing a book - who you have impacted!

    Posted a week ago

    Our lives are forever interwoven.

    God is writing a book for each of us. Other people have the same chapter as we do because our lives are connected, our stories are forever intertwined. These are eternal stories that will remain forever.

    The lives of those e3 Medical touches through your donations are forever a part of the book being written of your life. One recent way we were able to help.

    At ten years old a middle eastern girl was forced to marry a much older man. She had her first child at 11 years old. The man was abusive. Many painful years later about the beginning of 2020, they escaped their country due to political violence. They slipped into Greece seeking refuge.

    In July 2020, one of our Refugee Partners met the woman, now 20 as she was walking aimlessly on the street outside the large refugee camp. She was obviously distraught. Our Partner asked if she needed help. Her husband was allowing others to abuse her in the camp. Our Partner was able to connect her with a group that supports women in these situations.

    She has become open to listening as our Partners share the Gospel. They have provided her with food, clothing, medicine and a means of protection from abuse. Someone gave her a cross pendant. She found a chain and wears it around her neck. She said it makes her feel closer to Jesus.

    Your funds make a difference in the lives of others. I can't wait to see how God is using you and those you serve.

    This is not her picture, in order to protect her identify, but she looks very similar to this. You are now part of the book God is writing for her! Pray she comes to know just how much God loves her!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Light dispelling the darkness

    Posted a week ago

    Even during a pandemic, our "Light" can shine for Jesus! Thank you for being that light and helping to keep that light spreading throughout the world with your donations and prayers! Hundreds of families have received food supply kits, medicine refills along with much needed prayer and the Gospel! Our national partners and their families have continued ministry with our support and encouragement from here!

    Thank you!

    As a child in north central Nigeria, I have vivid memories of going to the Night Market in our small town of Keffi. There was no electricity, only small twinkling lights at each vendor’s small table. Some vendors had lanterns, others used homemade small lanterns from Peak Evaporated Milk cans pictured here.

    It is only a little over 2 inches tall. We put kerosene in it along with a wick, lit it with a stick from an ever-burning fire and there was light! Not a lot of light but enough to “turn off the dark".

    It has a crudely made handle and wick holder, but it did its job: shining light to dispel the darkness! Those little twinkling lights broke through what seemed like total darkness in the market.

    This little lantern has been mine since the late 1950s …yep! It has been sitting in a cabinet for many years. I pulled it out a few weeks ago as a reminder that while some may believe we are in the darkest times, our job is not to complain about the darkness.

    Our job is to be a little twinkling light to dispel the darkness. Jesus made it very clear: Be a light guiding people to Him!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • The Widow's Mite . . . or in this case, the Pastors' Mite

    Posted a week ago

    Abu and Sayed* are pastors in the Middle East. Since late March, they have given all they have to care for their church families and those in the communities who are literally starving. When one cannot work, there is no food and there is no government support.

    Some of you stepped up and provided funds to feed 120 families at $25 per family. 

    Each family receives a bag of food staples, prayer to the One True God and an opportunity to hear the Gospel of Jesus!

    These pastors are risking large fines and jail to take food to Christians, Muslims and those of no faith. And yet ...they serve their people.

    Joseph* is not a pastor, he serves with a ministry. His heart is for the pastors whose families are giving everything they have for others. We were able to provide food staples for 30 pastor families.

    Our prayer is to provide for more pastor families and others as we equip our National Ministry Partners to serve. Thank you!

    e3 Medical: Modeling the healing, teaching, preaching of Jesus. Feed the hungry. Heal the sick. Give Hope to the hopeless.

    *not their real names

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Virtual teams + National leaders = being the hands and feet of Jesus

    Posted a week ago

    As our US-based leaders daily work with our in-country national leaders, we have learned bitter sweet stories of how these leaders, pastor and lay leaders are caring for their communities and church families during shelter-at-home.

    They are so thankful for the financial assistance you have given to help them provide food to the starving and medicine for hypertension and diabetes. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being a part of meeting these critical needs. As our national leaders give the food and medicine, they are praying and sharing the Gospel. In cases where they are able, they are providing Bibles. One pastor in eastern part of the world has said he needs 20,000 - 50,000 Bibles to distribute with food. God's Word goes forth in the midst of chaos!

    In so many countries, persecution is becoming even more harsh as authorities apparently are taking the opportunity to use COVID-19 as a reason to clamp down on Christ followers. 

    In several situations, non-Believers are coming to pastors and lay leaders for assistance with food and medicine. They are they reporting to authorities that the pastor prayed for them. Pastors and lay leaders are being arrested. 

    Please pray for Christian leaders to remain strong in their faith, for them to have the resources they need to feed the hungry and provide medications to those in need.

    May we all get a glimpse of how God is using this pandemic for His glory and His honor!!


    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Join our "Virtual e3 Medical Team" ...

    Posted a week ago

    Join us as we launch our "Virtual e3 Medical Team", enabling our National Ministry Partners to serve where we cannot go due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Our National Partners will provide

    • packages of food for families ---consider adopting a family or two!
    • medicine for those with prescriptions for hypertension and diabetes.
    • clothing, especially for the little ones who are growing so quickly.
    • cell phone data/minutes to enable our National Partners to contact those in need.
    Thank you for your generosity!  If you are able to donate, please make a note in the Comment section on the donation page: I want to join the Virtual e3 Medical Team. If you have a specific country or region, please note that in the comments also. THANK YOU!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Easter ...how blessed we are! Even quarantined!

    Posted a week ago

    Self-distancing, stay-at-home, shelter-in-place mandates, quarantined! Those are words we have rarely, if ever heard in our country! This Easter most of us will be gather with only 2 or 3 ...maybe just one. But how blessed we are that we can join worship services around the world through the internet!

    A small group of us did a video conference call with nationals from one country this week. They continue to tell us how much they are praying for our nation! We are praying for them! They are struggling to meet the needs of people who were in dire circumstances before COVID-19 ---now people are desperate for food and medicines. They have no job, no means of support and their governments are not as blessed as ours. Pharmacies cannot get medicines because of the shelter-in-place mandates of their governments.

    Please pray for them! The stories are heartbreaking! 

    e3 Medical will use some of the medical supply funds to assist with the critical family situations that our national leaders know. Please pray for wisdom, as our efforts seem like a "drip in the bucket", but we know God owns all the resources! 

    Thank you for the funds your have given! God is blessing people across the world because of you! 

    We pray this Easter will be the most impactful of your lives! 

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Looking back at 2018 ....thank you!

    Posted a week ago

    While we often forget the details of trips, the faces . . . the eyes and the beauty of those we serve stay in our memory forever!  Thank you for being a part of this journey of serving through medical missions! Your prayers, encouragement and financial assistance have made it possible for us to serve!

    This precious little one and his family were really struggling with having a safe place to live, food, clothing and medical attention. Our team was able to help with their physical, emotional and  ...they learned about Jesus! Thank you for being on the team!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • God-Sized Vision ... medical missions

    Posted a week ago

    God has given e3 a God-Sized Vision for doing His work. 

    Today is e3 Giving Day. Donations made today on this web page will be enhanced from a bonus pool.  Thank you!

    Please take a few minutes to watch this video.

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • e3 Medical Supplies . . . showing compassion

    Posted a week ago

    Thank you for being such a vital part of our e3 Medial strategy through your financial support to help alleviate the costs of medical supplies for our e3 Medical Trips.  Your prayers and support of our Medical Supplies Fund has made a huge impact in the lives of those we serve!

    e3 Giving Day is September 13, 2018 – The day your dollar is worth more than $1!
    This very special day is a once-a-year opportunity to multiply your financial gift to e3 Medical - Medical Supplies. 
    On Thursday, September 13, 2018, when you donate online to the e3 Medical Supply Fund your gift will be enhanced by a bonus pool! Please consider making a donation on this date ...or at any time!

    Thank you for being a part of this exciting ministry! ......e3 Medical Team

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • e3 Giving Day is TODAY!!

    Posted a week ago

    Please consider making a donation today to send much needed Medical Supplies into over 50 countries.

    Donations made today will be enhanced with a bonus pool of funds!

    Many thanks for your prayers, encouragement and support!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Needed to serve refugees in Greece

    Posted a week ago

    We have a unique opportunity in two weeks while serving refugees and Greeks in need. A new church partner has asked us to not only have a medical clinic that week, but to prayer walk the community and.....  

    On Sunday evening, the refugees who the church serves would like to have what they call a Culture Night.  They would prepare meals from their various countries ...Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iran, etc. They would serve the refugee, Greek community and us! After the meal they will share some of their stories. Our team will also be able to tell our stories!

    We were not even certain we would be able to hold a medical and eye clinic, much less get this amazing opportunity. God has opened amazing doors!!

    We have a need!!  The church cannot afford to cover the cost of the food and supplies for the Culture Night ....and additional medical supplies. There is a large refugee camp nearby...we have no idea how many people might show up!! 

    We need an additional $1,200.  If the Lord lays this need on your heart, please donate on this page. Put a note in the Comment Section: Greece refugees.

    Please pray as we prepare to leave next week!!

    Thank you!  Anne Lucas and the Greece team!

    This is one of our veteran mission nurses, Joy Deal loving on a Syrian refugee baby.

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Medical Clinic in a circus tent . . . God provides shelter so we can serve!

    Posted a week ago

    You have been so generous to assist our e3 Medical Teams as we serve throughout the world. Thank you!

    The photo below was taken this week as a team is serving in Ecuador in a massive circus-like tent!  Medical supplies including antibiotics, vitamins, bandages, etc. are purchased from the funds provided by you through this fundraiser. 

    Medical supplies costs continue to rise. Often, we must now purchase those supplies in the country in which we will serving, which increases the costs quite a bit!

    We appreciate your faithfulness in supporting e3 Medical. We cherish your prayers as we serve people around the world!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Medical Supplies . . . a free gift from God

    Posted a week ago

    As our medical teams serve in 48 countries through general medical, eye and dental clinics, we have the privilege of giving gifts of love. We hold fast to our policy of medical supplies being given as a free gift from friends in the United States. They opens the doors for us to talk about God's free gift of Jesus.

    We have a critical need for financial assistance to provide medical supplies especially in areas of the world with refugees and that have been affected by disasters.

    We appreciate all assistance!  Your financial gifts assist us in

    • patient treatment (durable medical supplies)
    • vitamins, antibiotics, etc.
    • reading/distance glasses
    • removal of painful teeth (pain meds, antibiotics, supplies)
    • education in community health (materials)
    • God's love (Bibles, discipleship materials
    This is a slideshow of a portion of the story of what our Director of e3 Medical experienced as she visited the refugee camps in Lesbos Island, Athens and Thessoloniki, Greece in November.

    For more information, please contact us at medical@e3partners.org   THANK YOU!!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • e3 Giving Day ....thank you!

    Posted a week ago

    Thank you for the many expressions of support today, e3 Giving Day. Each of you are a true blessing!

    Apologies for the e3 Giving Day technology "glitches that continue to pop up for some of you. Many have been able to give online today, but some continue to have issues. Our IT team is hard at work to get things running smoothly.

    Please email me if you still have problems. Many thanks for persevering.

    I pray that God fills you with the joy of His presence this evening!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • September 20th ...important day for e3 Medical!

    Posted a week ago

    You have many choices of ministries and organizations with whom to support. For that reason, we are humbled by and grateful to those who God has called to support e3 Medical!

    September 20th is e3 Partners' Annual Giving Day.

    Every online donation completed on this very special day will be enhanced by a bonus pool offered by several generous contributors.  This means that if you make a gift on e3 Giving Day, a percentage of this bonus pool will be added to it, making it go farther!

    Medical supplies
    are critical to our medical short-term trips. They include much needed medicines such as vitamins, antibiotics, along with wound care supplies, reading glasses.

    Please donate tomorrow as led by the Lord!
      Thank you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Update on e3 Medical ....you are a blessing!

    Posted a week ago

    You are a blessing to e3 Medical and to those we serve!

    You have enabled over 30 medical mission trips just this summer to provide general health screenings, vitamins, antibiotics, wound care and reading glasses. Medical and non-medical professionals have traveled to five continents to serve and share God's love!

    Thank you for being a huge part of the blessing we were able to give!

    Our trips for 2017 are being planned. There are many needs! Please consider praying, going and giving!  Thank you!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • Thank you for being a blessing in 2015

    Posted a week ago

    Our prayer as 2015 ends is “‘“The Lord bless you   and keep you;25 the Lord make his face shine on you   and be gracious to you;26 the Lord turn his face toward you   and give you peace.”’ Numbers 6 NIVThank you for being a blessing to me and to others!

     . . . .Anne Lucas
    Director e3 Medical

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • e3 Medical Supplies --thank you!

    Posted a week ago

    Your gifts to support our medical mission trips are critical to our serving! These supplies are used for
    *reading glasses
    *children and adult vitamins
    *Tylenol and ibuprofen

    It is difficult to grasp how a small gift like those items above can make a change in the hearts and openness of those we serve. We often are asked by the patients: "How much does this cost"?  Our response:  "This is a gift from God. All you need to do is accept it." 

    This opens the door to share the greatest gift of all ....Jesus!

    You are a blessing to this work!  Thank you!

    Anne Lucas, Director e3 Medical

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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  • THANK you1

    Posted a week ago

    Medical supplies are a critical part of our medical mission trips! We appreciate your support that enables us to take those supplies through the world!

    Much needed supplies such as vitamins, antibiotics, ibuprofen, reading glasses, health education!

    Posted by:
    Anne Lucas

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Days to Go


As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.

Donations by Check

e3 Partners Fund
PO Box 1053
Searcy, AR  72145


As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.


2001 W Plano Parkway, Ste 2600
Plano, TX 75075


e3 Partners Ministry is highly rated by independent and impartial, third-party accreditation organizations which recognize our longstanding commitment to efficiency, accountability, and transparency. 

Earning 4 stars from Charity Navigator as we plant local churches
Certified transparent by Excellence in Giving as we plant local churches
ECFA accredited as we plant local churches