
Take a short-term trip with lasting impact.

As followers of Jesus, we’re called to make all things new by taking His Gospel to the darkest corners of this world.  We seek restoration for the oppressed, the marginalized and the overlooked.  But doing this is easier said than done

That’s why the right partnership makes all the difference. Converge and e3 Partners offer your church a short-term missions strategy that allows you to make a lasting impact even after your team has left the country or region.  While you are in Germany, you will meet people who have left their homes to escape war, persecution, and human trafficking.  You may even encounter people from unreached people groups.

You’ll make a lasting impact, not create dependency. Cost includes all travel, lodging, food, and training. 

Berlin, Germany - DE24A

Sep 13-22, 2024

Berlin is a diverse city where the nations of the world come together. As a result, we are presented...

The Gordys’ e3 Partners Fundraiser

Organized by e3 Partners

Gordys in Africa

Based out of Nairobi, we are pursuing the work of making disciples, planting churches and empowering leaders across the continent until there is no place left for us in Africa.

Will you stand with us in this exciting adventure through prayer and by joining our support?

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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Days to Go