
Support our efforts in a particular country that is close to your heart.  Your funds will go directly towards equipping believers, developing long-term partnerships, and spreading the Gospel in that region.  Select a country from the list below to get started.

SC - Africa - JG Team

Organized by e3 Partners

We long to see no person left on the continent who has not heard about Jesus, and no place left without a healthy, multiplying church (Rom. 15:23). There are still many people and places in Africa with no gospel witness. Conservative numbers put the total population of Africa around 1.3 billion, with 700 million of those far from God. One person every 6 seconds dies in Africa and enters into eternity separated from God.

While many in Africa are still far from God, there are millions of evangelical Christians with God's heart to reach the rest in Africa. Over many years God has quietly turned Sub Saharan Africa from a mission field to a mission force. Yet many of these laborers need equipping in simple, biblical, and reproducing evangelism, disciple making, and church planting tools and strategies. These funds will help equip African brothers and sisters to finish the Great Commission in Africa and beyond!

Every effort will be made to honor the preference of the donor's designation for these gifts. e3 Partners Ministry is a 501(c)(3) organization and as such all contributions are tax deductible donations and are made with the understanding that e3 Partners has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

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Days to Go


As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.

Donations by Check

e3 Partners Fund
PO Box 1053
Searcy, AR  72145


As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.


2001 W Plano Parkway, Ste 2600
Plano, TX 75075


e3 Partners Ministry is highly rated by independent and impartial, third-party accreditation organizations which recognize our longstanding commitment to efficiency, accountability, and transparency. 

Earning 4 stars from Charity Navigator as we plant local churches
Certified transparent by Excellence in Giving as we plant local churches
ECFA accredited as we plant local churches