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Ashley Romero's fundraiser for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - ET23B

Organized by Ashley Romero

One-time donations:
Amount Raised: $3,810
  • $3,810
    One-time Goal
  • $0
    One-time Still Needed
  • -420
    Days to Go

This summer I have an incredible opportunity to go on a mission trip to Ethiopia from June 2-10 with other young adult members of Watermark Community Church. This trip is organized by E3 Partners, and I will be going with a team who are taking the Gospel to areas that are unreached.

The purpose of this Trip:

Our focus is evangelizing and discipleship of new converts in villages targeted by the local church in the Oromon Region. E3 will help equip and train us to evangelize the Good news of Jesus Christ and establish those who come to know Christ in a local church.

Each day, I will work with several local believers, including a translator, and go throughout villages, praying for and sharing Christ with those we meet. We will begin the discipleship process with as many new believers as we can, and our local partners are committed to following up with those who make professions of faith throughout the week and establishing new churches in those areas.

The Ask:

First, would you join me in Prayers for the ongoing preparations for this mission trip? Prayers for my team's spiritual preparation and the spiritual battles to come. Prayers for the spirit to move and open the eyes of unbelievers and would see Christ in all his glory in Ethiopia.

Secondly, I ask that you consider partnering with me on this mission trip through financial contributions. I believe God has called me to go, but this can only happen if others will join my sending team of spiritual and financial supporters. 

If you would like to be a part of this mission through financial support, I will need to raise $3,450 before July 1, 2023, to cover the expenses of the necessities needed for this trip: the cost of flights, transportation, food, water, etc. Of the $3,450, I will need roughly half of that amount to be raised by April 1, 2023, for the flight ticket. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me on this opportunity?

Your prayer and financial support will be a blessing to me and to those who have the opportunity to hear the Gospel.

Know that as you contribute to my abilities to go on this mission trip, you as a contributor are also on this mission with me. Being on a mission has different roles, you as a “Sender” contributing your Prayers and financial support. Prayer is such a powerful tool. This is something that is beyond my comfort zone but I am excited to see the lord work and provide in incredible ways for this mission! I trust the lord will use us for his Glory to make him known.

I truly appreciate you taking the time to read and consider joining me in this privilege of an opportunity to be on mission for christ. Below this I have integrated more about myself and what the lord has done in my life and why I am so passionate to take such a leap of faith on this mission and proclaim him.

Again, Thank you so much and if you have any questions about me or this trip please feel free to reach out to me via text or call! My phone number is 972-404-6331.

About me:

I grew up in a Christian household going to church every Sunday with my family but that was the extent of my relationship with God. Growing up I had a wrong perception of who God was. This led me to fear God in a fear that paralyzed me with the shame of my inability to walk a "perfect" Christian life. For any sins, I committed I was bound by shame, guilt, and a lie that God did not love me based on my actions. This moved me away from pursuing a relationship with Christ because of this false idea of needing to clean up before coming to Christ. I didn’t understand God's grace and mercy at the time. Through high school and going into college, I had one foot in the world and another desiring a relationship with God. Through these years I looked for value and worth in what others thought of me and my dating relationships. This led to manipulating how I wanted people to perceive my life and kept the ugly parts of my life hidden and a secret. After ending a 3-year-long toxic relationship I had no idea who I was and began to have an identity crisis which dove me into a deep depression. As I began to lose control of my perception and situations with how people viewed me. To cope I started to party and drink heavily putting myself in unsafe situations and seeking male attention. These temporary fixes led me to hit rock bottom with a bad reputation, and no friends/family supporting me,  I spiraled and indulged in what the world had to offer. In my solitude, my depression led me to suicidal thoughts that led me to attempt to end my life.

By the grace of God this failed attempt led me to turn to God and pray with desperation for God to save me from myself. From an invitation from friends, I went to church and heard the gospel in a way I have never heard before. Romans 8: 38 “not height or depth, nor anything in creation, will be able to separate us from the LOVE of Christ” There is nothing I could do to lose God's love or earn it. Because if I confess with my mouth Jesus is Lord and believed with my heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Rom10:9). God stirred a curiosity in my heart to want to hear more of this forgiving, compassionate, redeeming God who proclaimed my actions or performance didn’t dictate my salvation or his love for me. As I pursued wanting to know more about God's character, I began to immerse myself more in the body of the church. As I joined in community with other believers and began to attend church and learn to read my bible I still struggled deeply wanting to feel wanted and loved. As I entered another relationship looking to be valued, affirmed, and desired, this ultimately led to another failed relationship. God stirred my heart to seek and desire to heal this led me to a recovery program called Re: generation. As I went through this program, God captivated my heart to see and acknowledge his presence through the hardships and realize He IS enough, and Only he could satisfy my deepest desires. As I leaned in, he continued to peel back layers of myself and help me recognize lies in my life that were rooted deeply in my heart and replaced them with his truth of who HE says I am and my purpose. The more I learned about God's goodness the harder I fought for my faith. His grace was and is sufficient for me. The things I once desired and the things this world had to offer became tasteless. God used my rock bottom to show me I had no control of my life, and because of my pride, I couldn’t see how deeply I needed and depended on HIS strength(2Cor10:9-10.

The Lord radically changed me and gave me a new life. My deepest desire is for others to get to experience God and know who this Loving all Mighty God is. The Lord has captivated my heart, mind, and soul and has given me a new life. A life where there is no shame or condemnation to those who are in Christ. I pray the lord uses me in any season of life to be an instrument for his good works and point others to the one who loves, redeems, and saves, Jesus. Who died on the cross for all our sins, defeating death, so that we could be reconciled to God!

There are no updates at this time.


As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.

Donations by Check

e3 Partners Fund
PO Box 1053
Searcy, AR  72145


As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.


2001 W Plano Parkway, Ste 2600
Plano, TX 75075


e3 Partners Ministry is highly rated by independent and impartial, third-party accreditation organizations which recognize our longstanding commitment to efficiency, accountability, and transparency. 

Earning 4 stars from Charity Navigator as we plant local churches
Certified transparent by Excellence in Giving as we plant local churches
ECFA accredited as we plant local churches