
You may not be hopping on a plane but you can still play a role in what Christ is doing around the world.  By supporting another person’s expedition, you become a part of what God is accomplishing in his or her life.  Browse the listing below to find a family member or friend and give today!

Nesher Cooney's fundraiser for Kabale, Uganda


Organized by Caleb Cooney

One-time donations:
Amount Raised: $3,900
  • $3,900
    One-time Goal
  • $0
    One-time Still Needed
  • -26
    Days to Go

I am going to Uganda and I would like your help!

I have a great opportunity to go to Uganda with my dad and people from my church.  My dad says some things that are great about this trip are; we get to help people learn and establish simple, biblical, and reproducible tools to help them and others Know Jesus and fulfill the great commission within their own communities.  It's significant because all training given by us to the local church, is to help them continue to minister within their local communities when we leave.  If you would like to learn more about the training in detail you can check out e3partners.org

That being said, my dad has a job and paid his own way but is wanting me to fundraise the best I can.  So far, lemonade stands and mowing lawns isn't cutting it.  I would like to ask for your help too.  So if you're able and interested to help me reach my portion of the trip which is $3,900 please use the link to donate.  If you're not able to financially help prayers and words of encouragement are asked for as well.  My fundraiser Closes August 12th.  I look forward to telling you all about it when I get back.  Thanks for considering taking part in this. 

Nesher Cooney

"And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."  Matthew 28:18-20

There are no updates at this time.


As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.

Donations by Check

e3 Partners Fund
PO Box 1053
Searcy, AR  72145


As a non-profit organization, e3 Partners Ministry relies on the generosity of our friends and partners—faithful believers like you who want to see the hope of the Gospel reach every person and place. Your financial gift ensures that our work will carry on until everyone has heard the name of Jesus Christ.


2001 W Plano Parkway, Ste 2600
Plano, TX 75075


e3 Partners Ministry is highly rated by independent and impartial, third-party accreditation organizations which recognize our longstanding commitment to efficiency, accountability, and transparency. 

Earning 4 stars from Charity Navigator as we plant local churches
Certified transparent by Excellence in Giving as we plant local churches
ECFA accredited as we plant local churches