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Max and Sydnie Doty's e3 Partners Fundraiser

Organized by e3 Partners


Ever since Jesus radically saved my wife and i out of addiction, and saved me personally out of worshipping false gods of eastern mysticism/religions, God planted a deep desire in our hearts to share what God did in our lives and what He wants to do in others. Our whole life is about telling people in everyplace we go, about Jesus the risen king! Now that i've personally known Jesus for a little over two years, I have fallen in love with Him and with the great commission. In two years we have seen over 100 people surrender their lives to Jesus all over the U.S! including my whole family! My wife and I have a huge heart to reach the lost, make disciples, and plant churches. we are all about seeing God move through multiplication of disciples and churches. God has assigned my wife and I to be catalysts for movements in places where God is getting ready to bring revival into. There is a massive awakening sweeping through cities and other regions and in those places, there are believers who are waiting to be equipped, and ignited to make disciples and plant churches. We are created to know The Living Christ and to share Him, and equip other laborers to share the Gospel. Join us in bringing light into the darkest places!❤️

Sydnie and I have a huge heart for people on  the fringes of society, My wife and I are skateboarders, so we have a huge heart for that community, we travel the states, going to skateparks, homes, coffee shops, and other places in our Jesus painted van. We love to evangelize, make disciples, and plant churches that gather in homes all over the United States. in the past year, God has called us to labor faithfully in our hometown, Phoenix, Arizona. We want every place reached with the Gospel, and we must start in our hometowns. But now, that we have seen 5 churches planted, in and out of state, sent missionaries overseas, and saw God raise up local leaders, our work in Arizona, has been just about fulfilled for now. so my wife and I are being called to move to Athens, Greece with an apostolic band of laborers! We are so excited for the next season that God is preparing us for, join us on the front lines to see Gods kingdom expand to every nation, tribe, and tongue! 

to follow our travels; follow us on instagram! @dotys4jesus 

“Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:17‬ ‭

My wife and I find joy in seeing brothers and sisters burn for Jesus and bear fruit! will you join our Mission for The Kingdom? Your monthly support provides for our practical needs, protects us against financial emergencies that may disrupt our ministry, and supplies ongoing training and resources.  

Through your financial support, YOU become a part of everything God does through my wife and I. YOU are making an impact on the Kingdom with your contributions!   if you feel led to support and be apart of what God is doing through me, simply click the donate button:) 

Thank you in advance for your generosity! May The Lord bless you and give you great joy in the soon testimonies that will be happening through our ministry! 

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Days to Go