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Tyler and Ellie Brown's e3 Partners Fundraiser

Organized by Tyler Brown

Our family has some exciting news! The Lord has called us to full-time ministry, and with that, we have sold our small business and are seeking to raise financial support. We would love to have you as a partner in the kingdom work being done here in Utah, and would be so honored if you would pray about whether the Lord may call you to give a monthly gift to our family.

We have come on staff with e3, a missions organization that seeks to see God’s name proclaimed worldwide! e3 Partners is a global missions agency advancing the Gospel and establishing the Church in over 65 countries.  We belong to a body of over 400 staff and 2,000 national partners sharing his Gospel among the nations and are excited to serve the Lord here in Utah and beyond. 

To give you an idea of how the Lord is faithfully working here in Utah, last week we saw an entire family baptized at our worship gathering! We’re very excited for them! Thanks for praying with us for them as we walk alongside them in their new faith journey.

Over the last year, our network of 6 home churches here in Utah has rejoiced as the Lord has led 55 people to repent and be baptized.

Since we moved to Utah 3 years ago, 6 new home churches have started and have begun to network together.

Tyler has taken on a new leadership role and has begun traveling and helping to lead trainings that equip people to share their faith, develop leaders, and multiply disciples.

We are confident the Lord will provide for our family and would love to talk with you to answer any questions you may have.  

Will you join this mission? Your monthly support provides for our practical needs, protects us against financial emergencies, and supplies ongoing training and resources.  

Through your financial support, you become a part of everything God does through us.  YOU are making an impact on the Kingdom with your contributions!   Just click the “Donate” button above to get started!  

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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Days to Go