

we call them
Four Fields Intensives

Training to start multiplying churches

A 4 Fields Intensive is a multi-day hands-on training event meant to immerse you in scripture to discover the Biblical principles for multiplying movements. Participants will have time to practice and reproduce the tools in an interactive learning community. Each participant/team will leave with a clear vision & plan for reaching their area.

A schedule of the 4 Fields Intensive Trainings (online and in-person) is listed below. Learn more and register for an upcoming training by simply clicking the ‘Register’ link next to the date that works best for you. You can also click to view additional training sessions hosted by our partners.

Discipleship Communities

we call them
Commands of Christ

Information Every Christian Should Know

This simple, biblical training event gives you tools to get started making disciples and casting vision for a Great Commission lifestyle to others. Learn more and register for an upcoming training by simply clicking the ‘Register’ link next to the date that works best for you. (You can also click to view additional training sessions hosted by our partners.)