Create a New Trip

New Trip Proposal Process – Teams and External Funding Only

  1. Click here to complete the Trip Proposal Request Form.
  2. Your trip-specific Proposal will be created and shared with you in Google Drive. You will receive an email message with the link and your new trip code. Once you have clicked to open the link, you will be able to find it in your Shared with me items in your Drive or access it by searching by the trip code.
  3. Complete the following tabs of the Proposal:
    • Proposal
    • COVID-19
    • Budget Expenses
    • Price Picker
    • Pricing and Gifts (In the Price Type column, choose Free, Hard Cost, or Full Price to match your Target Team on the Proposal tab. The Price column will automatically populate from your Price Picker tab.)
    • Check the Budget Summary tab to make sure the trip will cash flow with the budget and number of participants you set up.
  4. Once #3 is complete, go to the Approvals Tab of your Proposal to send to all approvers listed.  They will give their approval on your proposal.
  5. After you receive all approvals, you are ready to add your trip to the e3 Partners website using Pure Charity. Click here to download the instructions to enter your trip. Please follow the instructions exactly.
  6. Click on the link below to enter your new CP trip.

Rich on Mission

United States

Organized by Rich Lowery

Hey I'm Rich Lowery and living on mission among the 80% unchurched community of Charlotte, NC. I'm committed to seeing the 25,000 unreached Muslims & 37,000 unreached Hindus transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm blessed to minister alongside of #NoPlaceLeft Charlotte team and e3 Partners whose vision is to see a multiplying Spirit led networks of reproducing churches and leaders in every Muslim and Hindu people group by 2026.

This happens as the gospel goes out from mouth to ear, and The Lord draws people to Himself. It also happens as we train existing to believers to walk in their identity as Ambassador disciple makers of King Jesus on whose behalf they plead to be reconciled to God. Lastly, it happens as we network with Churches, and people, looking for those whose hearts are aligned with The Fathers.

I believe the 62,000 people represented in these segments need to hear the gospel, will you partner with me as I go? Will you pray to The Lord of the harvest to send more laborers into His harvest? And, will you join me for an afternoon in the harvest as we reach the nations for His Glory?

Every donation is important and will enable me to be present, invite them into my home, help when they have needs and enable me to train brothers and sister to join me. Would you prayerfully consider making a donation and partnering with me in the work of the gospel Phil 4:17?

Also, I would appreciate your willingness to share this with others who may want to participate.

Thank you so much for being a part of my life and helping me accomplish something that's important to all of us! Matthew 28:18-20

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Days to Go