Create a New Trip

New Trip Proposal Process – Teams and External Funding Only

  1. Click here to complete the Trip Proposal Request Form.
  2. Your trip-specific Proposal will be created and shared with you in Google Drive. You will receive an email message with the link and your new trip code. Once you have clicked to open the link, you will be able to find it in your Shared with me items in your Drive or access it by searching by the trip code.
  3. Complete the following tabs of the Proposal:
    • Proposal
    • COVID-19
    • Budget Expenses
    • Price Picker
    • Pricing and Gifts (In the Price Type column, choose Free, Hard Cost, or Full Price to match your Target Team on the Proposal tab. The Price column will automatically populate from your Price Picker tab.)
    • Check the Budget Summary tab to make sure the trip will cash flow with the budget and number of participants you set up.
  4. Once #3 is complete, go to the Approvals Tab of your Proposal to send to all approvers listed.  They will give their approval on your proposal.
  5. After you receive all approvals, you are ready to add your trip to the e3 Partners website using Pure Charity. Click here to download the instructions to enter your trip. Please follow the instructions exactly.
  6. Click on the link below to enter your new CP trip.

Robyn Young's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Robyn Young

What would you say if I told you that God loves Muslims deeply ...

.... He has not turned His back on them or overlooked them in His eternal purposes?

Well ... with the rampage of chaos and evil in the Middle East that we have been reeling from these past months, many of you might say, "who cares?".

And if you are a close friend, or family member, you might well be thinking, "what the heck is she doing, going to such a crazy place at such a crazy time!"

But as the faithful saying goes, Timing is Everything!  And this is God's Time to save Muslims!

Since I joined the MECA Team of e3 Partners in June 2013, I can honestly say its been the most difficult and the most wonderful time of my life.

What we never see on our TV screens are the incredible first-hand accounts, the transformed lives, the faces of joy and love, the tears of grateful repentance of hundreds of thousands of Muslims who are finding Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

But I have seen it.  I know.  And that's what fills me with joy.

So I don't mind if you call me "crazy", 'cos I know I'm no braver than anyone else.

But I also know that if this is the window of time, why should we retreat?!

My region is the Middle East.  And, by God's favor, the half-million Muslims in Australia. With e3 this past year, I have been able to lay a foundation for continued work in both places.

Things are winding up on this planet and we need a surge!

What would that look like?  Well, in my mind, that would be doing 5 years work in 2 years.  

Is that possible?  Of course!  God goes before us, and makes the way.

I have some unprecedented opportunities penciled in on my calendar for 2015.  God is moving and I want to go where He goes!  Do you want to help me? Do you want to come?!!

Luke 10:2  "The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few.  Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would send laborers into the harvest."

Thankyou for your love and prayers and support. 

So happy to be part of the amazing team at e3.  So grateful for you.  Thankful to God.

Running to the Front Lines!

                                      The Window is Open .... but not for long!


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Days to Go