Online Christian Community

Strategy, content and coaching for churches to maintain community and spiritual growth in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.

Haga clic aquí para ver en españolWhat is an Online Christian Community?

Live Second Groups

Change has come. The coronavirus situation has forced us out of our normal routines. You can’t go to your church buildings on Sunday mornings. You can’t meet at the local coffee shop for a Bible study. So what do you do? How can you maintain your Christian communities in these uncertain times? We can help!

e3 has created an online Christian community strategy that we refer to as “Live Second Groups”. These groups can help you maintain and even further your Christian community. We provide you with content and coaching to continue growing as Christ followers in the midst of the current coronavirus situation. And it’s all FREE! Continue learning from the Bible, developing strong spiritual disciplines, and remaining attentive to the needs of others around you.

How it Works

e3 utilizes virtual meeting technology and an obedience-based discussion and discovery Bible study known as “3/3rds” to establish Live Second Groups. You can learn more about 3/3rds here. If you are unsure of how to set up online meetings or how to lead a Bible study using the 3/3rds pattern, no problem! We’ll walk you through how to do everything. We have dozens of coaches ready and eager to serve you.

What You’ll Accomplish

God is using Live Second Groups to equip the church, to deepen our relationship with Him, and to engage more people who are searching for hope and peace in their lives.

When you start or join a Live Second Group, we provide you with a “Live Second Game Plan” that walks you through the 3/3rds Bible study pattern and 10 weeks of Bible stories to study. We also provide you with a FREE coordinator who will model what it looks like to organize and lead a Live Second Group and assist you with anything else you may need.

Who to Invite

Group leaders can start with friends and family. If you already have small groups from church, you can start there too! Then invite others from your “Oikos” as well. Think of people in your sphere of influence — those close to you who are far from God. People are searching for hope right now. They’re more open to the gospel. Inviting them to your Live Second Group could be a great way to share the love and hope of Christ with them!

What You’ll Learn

As mentioned above, the Live Second Game Plan walks you through 10 weeks of Bible stories using the 3/3rds Bible study pattern. Throughout the course of the 10 weeks, you’ll learn about many of the commands Christ gives us as His followers, and simple tools to help you with those commands. You’ll grow in obedience and boldness for Christ and in confidence to share the Good News with others. Some of the tools you’ll learn include:

15-Second Testimony

A simple way to share your testimony with someone in just 15-seconds.

3-Circles Gospel Sharing Tool

A method of sharing the gospel that is both easy to learn and understand.

Church Circle

The functions of a healthy church as is shown to us in Acts 2:36-47.

You can learn more about these tools and find lots of other helpful tools and resources all for FREE on our training page.

e3 Partners

Equip God’s People. Evangelize His World. Establish His Church.

e3 Partners exists to make the local church accessible to every person, everywhere. We started in 1987 with short-term trips to Mexico, and over the last 32 years, God’s grown the ministry, expanded our vision, and used our teams to do some incredible things for His Kingdom. Last year alone, we helped plant over 60,000 new churches!

We want to help you reach those far from God and build up the body of Christ, because like you, we have a burden for the lost—for reaching them with the hope and love of Jesus. We believe Jesus is the hope of the world and this hope can be found in the expression of the gospel through the local church. You can learn more about our ministry here.


“We’ve been training our church to facilitate Live Second groups and in just two weeks we have seen new and deeper level of relationships as people connected in a new format online.”

— Peter

“In this time when we haven’t been able to hang out with our friends, Live Second Groups have provided opportunities to check in on one another and introduce friends to the hope of Christ through simple Bible discovery discussions.”

— Sarah

“The online training has helped during the COVID-19 crisis. Our weekly training has provided clear vision for how we can continue to make disciples even through the temporary suspension of church meetings. I can’t wait to see where the Lord leads us the rest of this year.”

— Kevin


Get started by filling out the form below to connect with our Live Second Team

4 + 11 =

Franny Lowry Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Franny Lowry

There are 145 million Russians.  Sadly, only   .7% are evangelical Christians.  Not even 1%!  This can be discouraging if we look at the “glass as half empty”.  Thankfully the leadership here in the states as well as our Russian nationals are looking at this with encouraged hearts.  They know that God is going before them, opening doors that would normally be closed, and preparing the way for the truth of Christ to go out. There’s a great need for people to go with us to share the truth of Christ to the Russian people.  Out of 180 people groups, 76 of them are unreached.  Our plan is to reach these groups as quickly yet effectively as we can. But to be able to do this, people have to go….or be an active part in sending. 

As we've been strategizing with our nationals who live in Russia and as the doors are starting to close, there’s an urgency to reach them with the love and hope that only Jesus can give.  The recent legislation that was passed is making is difficult to share the gospel but NOT IMPOSSIBLE. They need our help now more than ever. As Jesus commands us in Matthew 28:19, we must go and make disciples to all the nations.  This is where God has placed my heart and I believe until the whole world hears we must be active in spreading His gospel.  Come join with me in reaching them with the truth and hope that only Jesus Christ can bring them.  I would be honored to have you partner with me in this calling.

I believe I have been called to be a full time missionary to Russia with e3 Partners Ministry.  As a full time missionary, I'm gone, 3-4 times a year, for 2 plus weeks at a time.  I will be putting in hours upon hours to spread the opportunity to others to go on trips as well as helping others train, prepare and fundraise for their trips.  I will be learning how to lead these teams of missionaries onto the mission field and successfully allow God to work through them to reach those who don't know the truth of Jesus Christ.

This position is support based which means, I need monthly support to be able to accomplish all that God has called me to do.  This is my full time job and I need your help and support to do this. When you partner with me financially and in prayer, you are giving to the kingdom, to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Any amount you can commit to monthly would be a blessing.  No amount is too small (or too big).  It would be a blessing and honor to have you partner with me to advance the Kingdom of God and to see His glory spread over the earth.

There are no updates at this time.

Days to Go