e3 Partners > Romania > Prayer

September 23, 2014

Romanian Presidential Elections Coming Up

Romania is just weeks away from its next presidential election that includes bids from its Prime Minister and former spy chief.  A total of eight candidates have now entered the race.  Traian Basescu, the current president, is term-limited. HOW TO PRAY Pray that God will provide an integrity-driven leader for Romania. Pray for a smooth transition from

Amanda McDonald's e3 Partners Fundraiser

South Sudan

Organized by Rhonda Stewart

BIG NEWS! I am partnering with a small team to see #NoPlaceLeft among Unreached/Unengaged People Groups of Sudan.

I started a fundraiser on Pure Charity to raise the needed for this full-time venture. It's been my dream to go and serve and I hope that you will consider being part of this opportunity with me.

Every donation is important and will enable me to be present. Would you kindly consider making a donation? Also, I would appreciate your willingness to share this with others who may want to participate.

Thank you so much for being a part of my life and helping me accomplish something that's important to all of us!

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