e3 Partners > Romania > Prayer

September 23, 2014

Romanian Presidential Elections Coming Up

Romania is just weeks away from its next presidential election that includes bids from its Prime Minister and former spy chief.  A total of eight candidates have now entered the race.  Traian Basescu, the current president, is term-limited. HOW TO PRAY Pray that God will provide an integrity-driven leader for Romania. Pray for a smooth transition from

Ron Hazard's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Ron Hazard

Therefore go ...

Since 1995, I have been part of trips to different countries throughout the world sharing the love of Jesus with those who have not heard.  Since then, I have been to 12 countries and focusing since 2014 on the Middle East. My greatest joy in life is to tell people about Jesus who have never heard.  Your partnership will enable me to continue bringing Jesus to those who have not heard!

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