Home to Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, Tanzania’s ecological significance cannot be overstated. Its wildlife preserves have become popular tourist destinations. Tanzania also benefits from a history of strong political leadership in an otherwise unstable region, making it attractive to investors and aid organizations. Today, over 150 indigenous ethnic groups live within its borders.

Evangelicalism is growing in the region and a strong church-planting movement is thriving. In fact, evangelicals have blossomed from just 2.5 million to 8 million in the last 20 years. Still, 25 people groups remain unreached in Tanzania, impacting over 9 million people.

e3 Partners is working to ensure that a thriving local church exists in every community throughout Tanzania. We are equipping existing believers and training local pastors to identify unreached communities and share the Gospel effectively. As people come to faith in Christ, we are establishing small groups that help them take the next steps in their spiritual growth and serve as the seeds for new churches.

Sarah Rohrssen's e3 Partners Fundraiser


Organized by e3 Partners

God is doing something amazing in the world today.  Behind all the news headlines, he is working among people groups to draw all people to himself.  Through the years, he has worked in my heart and is calling me into mission full-time.

e3 Partners is a global missions agency advancing the Gospel and establishing the Church in over 65 countries.  I belong to a body of over 400 staff and 2,000 national partners sharing his Gospel among the nations.  

Will you join my mission?  Your monthly support provides for my practical needs, protects me against financial emergencies that may disrupt my ministry, and supplies ongoing training and resources.  

Through your financial support, you become a part of everything God does through me.  YOU are making an impact on the Kingdom with your contributions!   Just click the “Donate” button above to get started!  

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

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