Trips to Tanzania

Ukerewe Island, Tanzania - TZ24F

Sep 1-14, 2024

Be a part of the compelling story of what God is doing among one of the largest unreached people gro...

Katavi Region, Tanzania - TZ24A

Oct 14-25, 2024

The Lord is pouring out His Spirit in Tanzania. There is a great hunger for the gospel and many peop...

Beth Holt e3 Partners Fundraiser


Organized by e3 Partners

THANK YOU for visiting my support fundraising page!  

"Seek each day to do or say something to further the cause of Christ among the nations."

It was in 2005 when I surrendered to go to the "uttermost parts of the earth."  I didn't really understand what all of that would mean...and at times, I still don't, but one thing I know for sure...the commission that Jesus left with us is GREAT.  My answer is the same as it was then..."Here I am, Lord, send me!" 

Recently, I came on staff with e3 Partners/Tanzania as a Church Planting Coordinator. As a Church Planting Coordinator, I'll be co-leading short-term teams primarily in East Africa to partner with local Christians to plant churches within the walking distance of every person.  

There are so many things we hope to do and so many people we desire to reach with the Gospel, with community transformation, with discipleship, with help, love, compassion, and friendship.  Most of all, our desire is to bring God the utmost be obedient to His see His name made famous in every nation, tribe, and tongue!  

As the new Women's Ministry Coordinator for e3/Tanzania, I'm so excited to be mobilizing teams of U.S. women to go to Tanzania! We'll have the opportunity to lead Women's Conferences - concentrating on teaching God's Word, training national women's leaders, developing community transformation projects, and encouraging our sisters in Christ.  This is a new endeavor and we're expecting God to do great us, among us, and through us.  Please pray with us!  

I'm often asked if I'm going back to Tanzania each year.  My response is, "I plan to go every year, more than once a year if possible, until God tells me NOT to go."  

I have a donations goal of $3,850 for each mission that I participate in, plus the additional funds needed for Women's Ministry and other needs while we're on the field.  When one person from the U.S. goes, it mobilizes nationals to go with us!  When you send an American to the mission field, you're mobilizing Tanzanian missionaries as well.  It's a beautiful picture of the body of Christ working together for the kingdom!  

Will you pray about the ongoing work being done in Tanzania?  Will you pray about helping me as I raise support and continue to far and as often as God allows? Not everyone can board a plane and travel across the ocean to a foreign land. At times, not everyone can GIVE financially.  But we can ALL PRAY!  That is, honestly, such a vital and cherished gift! Then, there are some who are ready to GO!  If that's you, please contact me about the many expeditions to Tanzania.  It's an amazing time to be involved in the Great Commission! Whatever part YOU play in the Gospel reaching the nations, God is glorified!  

Any donation will go toward the work in Tanzania and our upcoming missions.  Also, any recurring donations given per month will help to raise the additional support needed for me to continue to train and mobilize team members and participate in upcoming expeditions and ministry.  I hope that you'll consider being part of this opportunity with me.

Every donation counts, no matter how large or how small.  Every donation is also tax deductible!

Thank you so much for being a part of my life, for your prayers, your encouragement, your support, and your friendship!

Pray.  Give.  Go.                                                                                                      

Until The Whole World Hears!

Beth Holt                                                                                                                               e3/Tanzania Church Planting Coordinator and Women's Ministry Coordinator

"Look among the nations, and see;  For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if it were told." Habakkuk 1:5

  • e3 Giving Day is almost here!!!

    Posted a week ago

    The link for giving on e3 Giving Day ONLY on Tuesday, September 16th will be:

    On e3 Giving Day, this link will take donors to the giving options page to give to staff by name. 

    You can look up my name, BETH HOLT 🙂 and donate right there!  THANK YOU! 

    If you have ANY questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!


    If you can’t give now, but want to give at a later date, you can mail a check (not an option during Giving Day):       

    My name and support number has to be included on the memo line for it to go to my account:  

    Beth Holt #688     


    e3 Partners Fund at Pure Charity

    Beth Holt #688

    P.O. Box 1053

    Searcy, AR  72145


    You can donate at any time on my own personal fundraising page!

    This has simplified the donation process so much!  It’s powered by Pure Charity, a new operations partner and giving platform to help process all of the e3 Partners’ donations.  It’s very cool!  (Just thinking now about all the people who have helped me go to the mission field over the years makes me want to cry and shout at the same time). 

    Here’s the address for my fundraising page:



    Posted by:
    Beth Holt

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Days to Go