Trips to Tanzania

Katavi Region, Tanzania - TZ24A

Oct 14-25, 2024

The Lord is pouring out His Spirit in Tanzania. There is a great hunger for the gospel and many peop...

Kristie's Staff Support Fundraiser

Organized by Kristie Layman

While the world forgets how to love...we, do not.

The Bride. The Body. The Church. An ever-expanding movement empowered by the Holy Spirit that is shepherding people to Jesus in un-precedented numbers. I have been graciously allowed by God to work on the e3 Partners Legacy Team. This teams focus is mobilizing families and youth to the harvest field together while being discipled to plant churches that plant churches. The Lord has directed me to bring the Legacy Team to new heights by laboring to get this gospel-sharing medium to Central Asia. We currently work in Asia, Africa, North, Central, & South America.

Your invitation to partner with us is right here. Would you consider partnering with us either financially (tax-deductible) or prayerfully, standing side-by-side with us, to see the people free from the bondage of darkness? Please pray and consider.

For more information about going on a trip yourself or with your entire family, please email Kristie:


His love never fails,


Genesis 6:22

  • 2020 Trip Opportunities

    Posted a week ago

    We are only a few days away from Christmas week and wow this year is flying by. As you take time off work and join together with family, we encourage you to pray about joining us next summer. It is the perfect time to start planning and you will not regret your decision to go. 

    Join us in Kenya from June 3-14th or in Ecuador July 17-26th as we share the love and truth of Jesus.

    Posted by:
    Kristie Layman

    Read More

    Posted a week ago

    Thank you for your generosity on e3 Giving Day! We pray you are blessed richly by it as we continue to plan trips for 2020! May God get all the glory and honor from your giving! You make it possible for us to keep sharing Jesus until every tribe, tongue, and nation hears the Good News! 

    His love never fails, 

    DK & Kristie Layman

    Posted by:
    DK & Kristie

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    Posted a week ago

    Good Morning!

    Giving Day has been extended until 1pm CT TODAY ONLY! Any gift given will be enhanced by the $100,000 bonus pool! 


    Posted by:
    DK & Kristie

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  • 3 Hours Left! - e3 Giving Day!

    Posted a week ago

    There's 3 hours left until midnight CT! This is your last chance to have your $1 be worth more than $1! 

    Posted by:
    DK & Kristie

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  • TODAY's the Day! - e3 Giving Day

    Posted a week ago

    It's finally here! 

    Every donation made online TODAY to our support account will be enhanced through a bonus pool of $100,000!

    Let's continue to share the truth with every tribe, tongue, and nation!

    May the Lord's favor be upon you and your family. If you have any questions, please contact us at 972.832.9625.

    Posted by:
    DK & Kristie

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  • It's Almost Here!

    Posted a week ago

    We’re less than 24 hours away! e3 Giving Day is tomorrow!

    Every donation made to our support account tomorrow will be enhanced by $100,000 of bonus funds! This means tomorrow, every dollar is worth more than $1!

    Posted by:
    DK & Kristie

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  • Increase Your Impact NEXT THURSDAY!

    Posted a week ago

    Happy Thursday!

    We are only one week away from Giving Day, it's NEXT THURSDAY, September 12th! 

    What will happen on the 12th?
    Every gift given to our support account from 6am until midnight CST will be enhanced by a bonus pool of $100,000! WOW!

    Every donation given on September 12th makes an impact for the Kingdom!
    Will you pray for the 12th and also be apart of it?

    DK & Kristie Layman
    Genesis 6:22

    Posted by:
    DK & Kristie

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  • Let's continue to share Jesus together!

    Posted a week ago

    On September 12th every dollar given to our support account will be enhanced by a $100,000 pool of bonus funds. This means every dollar will be worth more than $1! More people hearing the gospel. More churches planted. More baptisms!

    Posted by:
    Kristie Layman

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Days to Go