Despite being Europe’s second largest state, Ukraine is often considered a forgotten country. Once known as the “breadbasket of Europe,” its economy is largely dependent on the country’s rich agriculture and vast mineral deposits. The former communist state is often torn between its past and European future.

However, Ukraine enjoys a rich Christian heritage and was once known as the “Bible Belt” of the Soviet Union. Today, evangelicals are striving to reach their countrymen and Ukrainian missions agencies are taking the Gospel throughout the Slavic world. Still, over half a million people have never heard the Gospel, hailing from 38 different unreached people groups.

e3 Partners is working to ensure that a thriving local church exists in every community throughout Ukraine. We are equipping existing believers and training local pastors to identify unreached communities and share the Gospel effectively. As people come to faith in Christ, we are establishing small groups that help them take the next steps in their spiritual growth and serve as the seeds for new churches.

NoPlaceLeft NYC - Tiffany Ramos

United States

Organized by e3 Partners

After several years being discipled, equipped, and sent out in Raleigh, NC and seeing in the Bible's story and in my own city how the Spirit moves through the priesthood of all believers, multiplying disciples and churches until entire regions and people groups are able to hear the good news, I'm headed to Queens, NYC to work toward catalyzing movements that will impact the least reached nations. Queens is the most ethnically diverse urban area in the world and where representatives from many of the world's least reached people groups call home. 

What if the Holy Spirit were to lead individuals and families from these people groups to Himself and send them to spread the good news to their friends, families, and communities, here and overseas? These need to hear the good news and be invited into God's Kingdom. And as they come to believe, they need to be taught how to obey and that they are who He has chosen to bear fruit that will multiply. They need to have the opportunity to be involved in simple, reproducible churches where they are encouraged as family and to grow in these biblical principles. 

"This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come." (Mt 24:14) With each new 'person of peace' that comes to Jesus and bears fruit 30, 60, and 100 fold, the Day of Jesus' return is getting increasingly nearer, and we are getting closer to our hope being finally fulfilled.

I'm blessed to serves as a part of e3 Partners, a global missions agency advancing the Gospel and establishing the Church in over 65 countries with over 400 staff and 2,000 national partners sharing the Gospel among the nations.  

Will you join my mission?  Your monthly support provides for my practical needs, protects me against financial emergencies that may disrupt my ministry, and supplies ongoing training and resources.  

Through your financial support, you become a part of everything God does through me. You are making an impact on the Kingdom with your contributions and prayers. Just click the “Donate” button above to get started. And thank you in advance for your generosity!

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