Mukhi People Group

THE MUKHI PEOPLE GROUP HAS A POPULATION OF ABOUT 19,500. They live in Northeast India and most of them have never heard the name of Jesus. Our mission is to spread the gospel and raise up disciples, churches and Christian leaders, until there are worshiping groups in all the villages, communities, and localities of the Mukhi people.

What’s it going to take?

We have national partners ready to engage the Mukhi people with the message of the Gospel, but they need resources for travel, trainings, Bibles and other materials.

Total Cost = $36,000 ($12,000/yr for 3 years)

*If you’d like more information or have any questions about adopting the Mukhi people group, you can contact us at 214.440.1101 or by email at

Our Strategy

e3 Partners uses a strategy known as 4 Fields. It follows the examples set by Jesus and Paul throughout the Gospels and Acts of sharing the gospel, discipling believers, starting churches and building up more leaders.

Learn More About the 4 Fields Strategy

Training Roll-Out

There are 3 phases we go through to spread the gospel throughout an unreached people group (UPG).

  • Phase 1: Gospel Conversations Training and Harvesting
  • Phase 2: 4 Fields Intensive Trainings
  • Phase 3: Mid-Levels, Foundations (Pastoral Training) and Confessions (Doctrine Training)


e3 will provide you with quarterly reports of the work happening among the people group you choose to adopt. These reports will include data of things like number of gospel presentations, number of churches planted, etc. as well as specific stories of the work God is doing among the people group you’ve adopted.

Go back to full list of UUPGs

Michael Cooper's Support

Organized by Michael Cooper

Michael invites you to partner with him in reaching the people of India.

Michael serves as the Strategy Coordinator for the Mid-South Region (MSR) of India. Michael has been taking teams to India since 2010.

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