Oriya People Group

THE ORIYA PEOPLE GROUP HAS A POPULATION OF ABOUT 36,500. They live in East India, within the state of Odisha. Their primary religion is Hinduism, and the majority of them have never heard the message of the gospel. Our team has begun raising up new disciples among them. We’ve trained 5 new believers from the Mali, and with your help and the power of the Holy Spirit, those 5 can multiply exponentially! These 5 new disciples are eager to spread the gospel among the rest of their people group, and our team is eager to come alongside them as they work towards raising up disciples, churches and Christian leaders, until there are worshiping groups in all the villages, communities and localities of the Oriya people.

What’s it going to take?

There are Christian leaders being raised up among the Oriya people ready to engage the rest of their community with the message of the Gospel, but they need resources for travel, trainings, Bibles and other materials. 

Total Cost = $36,000 ($12,000/yr for 3 years)

*If you’d like more information or have any questions about adopting the Oriya people group, you can contact us at 214.440.1101 or by email at help@e3partners.org.

Our Strategy

e3 Partners uses a strategy known as 4 Fields. It follows the examples set by Jesus and Paul throughout the Gospels and Acts of sharing the gospel, discipling believers, starting churches and building up more leaders.

Learn More About the 4 Fields Strategy

Training Roll-Out

There are 3 phases we go through to spread the gospel throughout an unreached people group (UPG).

  • Phase 1: Gospel Conversations Training and Harvesting
  • Phase 2: 4 Fields Intensive Trainings
  • Phase 3: Mid-Levels, Foundations (Pastoral Training) and Confessions (Doctrine Training)


e3 will provide you with quarterly reports of the work happening among the people group you choose to adopt. These reports will include data of things like number of gospel presentations, number of churches planted, etc. as well as specific stories of the work God is doing among the people group you’ve adopted.

Go back to full list of UUPGs

Danny and Nel Schaefer's e3 Partners Fundraiser

United States

Organized by e3 Partners

We are the Schaefer family: Danny, Nel, Emma (8), Lydia (7), and Tessa (1.5)

We are a family on mission in Iowa City, IA to make God's name great among all people! 

We started this journey in 2012 when we moved to the Middle East to share Jesus with Muslims. God led us back to the US in 2021 and we've been planted in Iowa since then.

Our vision is to multiply healthy disciples and churches until Jesus returns. 

So, what do we do?

We equip believers to take responsibility for the lost in their communities. The pathway is simple: Abide with Jesus, Pray for the lost, Go to the lost, Sow Gospel seeds, Disciple new believers.

As a family we follow this pathway in our local neighborhood. By God's grace we've seen people follow Jesus for the first time, including Muslims from the Middle East! 

In order to see our cities reached, we need a ton of every day believers to say "YES! I will go and make disciples right where I live."

Which is why we share this vision with churches and believers across the Midwest, and provide training so that everyone can follow the simple pathway to make disciples and start churches.

Trainings: We start by giving believers simple tools and principles to follow so they can easily engage others with the Gospel in their workplace and in their neighborhoods. The next step is learning how to disciple new believers and gather as a healthy church. Our trainings are free and available to all churches and small groups. Our focus is on Iowa, but we sometimes travel across the US. 

Imitate Christ (I.C.) Internship: We lead a nine month long intensive discipleship program for believers in Iowa City. We believe our abiding in Jesus and maturing as a healthy disciple is vital for everything. Our ministry is not just about doing things for God, but first and foremost being with God. As we do this, we also learn directly from Jesus' ministry how to make disciples and start churches. During I.C. we become a ministry team that puts into practice what we learn. 


We are inviting you to partner with us in order to see a multiplication of healthy disciples and healthy churches.

Would you pray for a full week and ask God each day if He wants you to join our support team?

Would you consider connecting us with your church or friends so that we can discuss our mission with them personally?

If you feel led to join our team just click the "Donate to this Fundraiser" button up above. Thank you for your partnership!

Give us a call or text and let's meet together! 

Danny 720-442-1507

Nel 720-442-3657


Our Missions Organization:

e3 Partners is a global missions agency advancing the Gospel and establishing the Church in over 65 countries.  I belong to a body of over 400 staff and 2,000 national partners sharing his Gospel among the nations.  

e3 Partners / I Am Second
2001 W Plano Parkway, Suite 2600
Plano, TX 75075
e3partners.org | 214.440.1101

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Days to Go