We may not be able to be there physically, but we can still be THERE.

Welcome to e3’s Virtual Mission Trip Training Course

After completing this training course you can expect to:

  • Have a Biblical understanding of your purpose to reach those far from God.
  • Identify who and how you can reach those lost in your area with the Gospel.
  • Be equipped with the tools to effectively share your testimony and the Gospel.
  • Have a clear plan for beginning discipleship with new believers and those seeking truth.
  • Know the values from Acts 2 to model for a healthy church.

Let’s get started!

Block 1: Getting Started

[video_popup url=”” text=”Training and Teaching”]
[video_popup url=”″ text=”Brutal Facts / Vision”]
[video_popup url=”” text=”5 Parts/4 Fields of Jesus’ Strategy”]

Block 2: 411 - Why, Who, What & When?

[video_popup url=”” text=”Intro to 411″]
[video_popup url=”” text=”1) Why? – Identity”]
[video_popup url=”” text=”2) Who? – Oikos Map”]
[video_popup url=”″ text=”3) What? – Part 1 (15-Sec Testimony)”]
[video_popup url=”” text=”3) What? – Part 2 (3 Circles)”]
[video_popup url=”” text=”3) When? – Set Goals”]

Block 3: Discipleship

[video_popup url=”” text=”Modeling Command of Christ 1: Repent & Believe”]
[video_popup url=”” text=”3/3s (Three-Thirds) Pattern of Discipleship”]
[video_popup url=”” text=”Church Circle (Acts 2:36-47)”]

Mike Jorgensen Support Team

Organized by Mike Jorgensen

Thanks to everyone who has supported Mike and Woodlyn's ministry these past 32 years at e3 Partners / I Am Second. You make it possible for them to do what they do, and you share in the spiritual fruit that results.

After serving in many capacities with e3 Partners and I Am Second, Mike now serves as e3's Director of Global Migration Initiatives. 

Mike and Woodlyn are blessed with three married kids and ten delightful grandkids!

Thanks for supporting their ministry with e3 Partners / I Am Second. Your support enables them to help people encounter Jesus in unexpected places. 

Follow them on Facebook.

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Days to Go