June 6, 2014

Prayer Journal

This invaluable resource provides a guide to praying for e3 Partners and our efforts around the world. Click here to view/download.

June 6, 2014

The Expedition Guidebook

The Expedition Guidebook gives you all of the information you need to prepare for your upcoming trip, from how to pack to vital mission details. Click here to view/download.

Andreas & Terri Mehrguth's Staff Account

Organized by Andreas Mehrguth

From its humble beginning in 2007, e3 Legacy - Families on Mission has exploded. Terri and I now oversee more than 40 Legacy leaders and have 35 expeditions going out this year alone.  But God has so much more.  The vision of e3 Legacy is to mobilize families from every region in the United States with thousands of families becoming ambassadors for Christ.

We need your help!  God has given us a huge vision, but He never intended for us to accomplish this on our own.  Our desire is to involve partners from all walks of life to pray for the ministry and to invest financially with us.  We would be honored to have you be a part of our ministry team.

The following video represents one family's journey.

Contact us at: andreas.mehrguth@e3partners.org / terri.mehrguth@e3partners.org              

Andreas serves as the director of e3 Legacy, and Terri as associate director of e3 Legacy. 

Click the button below to support their ministry.

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Days to Go